Grafix design
These are some of the places I got my grafixs I'm trying to get all the names but most of them I got along time ago. So If you know who I'm missing on this page then I would appreicate it if you could let me know who they are. I mean no disrespect to anyone or their grafix! Thank you.
Jaz Place I got the foot ani there!
Witches way grafix This is the place to go for really nice grafix thing is most people go there. I got the Goddess pic on the front page there.
Living tree grovethe chaile of light there and I think a couple of others too.
A touch of magick I believe I got some of my backgrounds there.
lilth silverhairs' grafic'sI got a BOS pic from her. She has taken grafix and add color to them. She did a nice job.
Arachne's WebI do not remeber what I found there but this was a wonderful page once. Unfortunatlly I just found out that she has close up shop and the page is nolonger there. I would still like to give Credit where credit is due. So hats off.