Some people never see it - they are wanderers
Some people see it but never pursue it on their own - they are followers
Some people see it and pursue it - they are achievers
Some people see it, and pursue it and help others to achieve it - they are leaders

Having a vision is no longer a strange thing to people. Companies and countries have their very own vision. Malaysia has Vision 2020. However, there are still a lot of people who fail to see the value of having a personal vision. Personal vision gives us a long range objective to shoot for that keeps us "in line" in the present. People without vision lives careless lives. Undirected by the ultimate objective, they have a tendency to wander off course, to waste time and to lose motivation in pursuing their dreams.
My personal vision is very simple.
Part of it is just simply TO NOT JUST SURVIVE BUT SUCCEED.

Where there is no vision, people are unrestrained - Proverbs 29:18

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