Watch Out!

Lani Innes Is Out Of Control!

Lani and Jodi

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Personal Dedication

Time and again, Lani Innes rocks my world. She'd lend me her last clean brassiere (well, maybe) or hook me up with strangers across the world at the drop of a hat.

Over the six months I spent in Texas, United States, she and I were in weekly if not daily or hourly contact as we struggled with drudgery, homesickness and long hours bathing in the brain melting glow of our computer screens.

Across the ether, Lani inspired these ICQ slam poems, and to Lani Innes I dedicate them.

On the isolation of having no car, contemplating carpooling with my supervisor
September 21, 1998

I'm afraid not,
I'm trapped.
And he has dogs
Hair-shedding dogs
clambering and slobbering
hairy ghosts to inspire my asthma.
But I'm not worried
I just want to breathe enough
six months
no oxygen

Texas tek haiku
September 17, 1998

Screen glowing
crystal fingers reach up
caressing ether.

A strike against Air Canada
September 17, 1998

Alas! Alas!
My memory is lost
My little package
gone like my Mastercard payment

Master P way on da way home

He a song stealer
a word drug dealer
a screaming mimi of a wordsmith fake
thas wha' he i'
tha wha

On being an intern refugee superstar

Mo' Peter on the track
dissin' ya into heart attack
move y'all's ass
o ah'll bite that tiny dog ass

From the archives...

December 14, 1996

modern work
modem works?
slide rules
with computers
and forks.
Surrounded by information
we survey and survive
with illusions and ignorance
we'd rather be snoring
than wake to pain.

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This page is copyright May 1999 by Peter S. Moore.