Who is my audience?

I am writing this journal for non-Christians. My intention is not to bash anyone or to be 'preachy'. I want to open a window into the thoughts of a Christian young man and offer it to everyone, believer or not.

If I'm writing to a secular audience, why do I mention God and write as if I assume Christianity to be the truth? Frankly, I can't help myself, and I don't think I should try keep my journal secular. I have to be honest. I do assume Christianity to be the truth. It is my world view. Almost all of me is INSIDE Christ; the parts that are outside, I'm working on getting inside.

I'm writing for open-minded people who are interested in thought more than entertainment. I'm writing for people who smile :) . If you smile, and if you think, you qualify, I'm writing to you. I'll try not to write for you, or at you but to you. I do want you to enjoy it.

Please do not be offended or assume that what I write is invalid because I believe in Jesus. Many good and evil actions have been done and are being done by persons who profess Christianity as their faith. But many excellent artists, writers, thinkers, inventors of the past and the present were and are Christians.

I have invested my entire life in the soundness of the Jesus Christ Stock Exchange. All my riches are there, invisible. I hear this heavenly stock market is fluctuating, but I trust it will never crash.

Return to the Green Room, or to Day by Day.

Email me at aeortiz@iname.com.