Theatre and Art
Theatre and art have consumed me slowly for decades. I suppose I owe it to my mother. But they did not captivate me completely, they took long to take a hold on me.
My first exposure to drama was a fifth grade play about space travel in the solar system. My teacher cast me as Jupiter (I was the tallest, and in her careful opinion, could best represent this god).
The afternoon of the performance...
[ JUPITER literally stumbles over his first line, well, technically, over a sandal. His crown of laurel tips, covering half his face. Recovering his balance, he straightens his crown. With all the grandeur he can muster in his embarrasement he proclaims: ]
JUPITER: I am JUPITER... I am the King of ALL the gods. I'm not afraid of ANYONE... not even MARS!
[ JUPITER and MARS play-fight with their lightning bolt and spear respectively ]
Since that day I've been a clown, Rumpelstiltskin, the Marsh Hare, a policeman, a charlatan, an old gentleman, a secret agent, a cancer patient, an English teacher, and most recently, a proud knight of the Round Table in Harding's production of Camelot.
If I had 7 or so lives to live, I would be an artist in several. I love creating art and admirng other's creations. Part of my heart longs for me to pursue art freely. My practical side resists, and unfortunately it is stronger.
Time is our enemy. Because of it we must choose to develop only a fraction of our potentials. Adults must squelch our child-like curiosities and ingenuities in the name of survival. What slavery! The human spirit rages at this, and eventually, dies. Too prone to greyness, colorful experiences escape our lives. When timid practicality again defeats a soul, it become grey, like the rest, asleep.
NO! the spirit rages
... its OK, the will interjects. ...
The spirit subsides.
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