Sweet Reverie


I turn the corner and there you stand. My breath catches for an instant and my heart misses a beat. I do so love to look at you. The gentle curves of the body that I long to hold rivet me to the spot. Your movements so transfix me that I could not move if I wanted to. Who else but you could turn fixing a cup of coffee into an art form? You finally notice me and turn toward me. You smile at me and say, “Good morning”, and I am transported.

My chest expands, my shoulders square back, and I feel 2 inches taller. I am acutely aware of my heart pumping. I feel so alive when I look at you. I love the sound of your voice. It soothes my spirit and makes me proud that I am someone who can make you smile. My voice smoothes out automatically, and I am aware that I cannot seem to stop smiling at you. We stand only a few feet apart and exchange meaningless phrases. I am there with you and respond in kind, but I am also lost in another reality.

I can stand no more. I reach out and touch your face. Your eyes become wide and the pupils dilate. I step closer and draw you toward me. You look as if you are not quite sure what is happening, yet you do not draw away. This close to you there is an electrical force surrounding us. I can hear my heart now. It is beating so strong you must surely be able to hear it. I take your face in my hands and gently trace the curve of your cheek bones with my thumbs. Your deep brown eyes are swallowing me alive.

Still you have not spoken or moved. It is as if you are afraid to do anything for fear of breaking the spell of the moment. There is a fog around us now where the world used to be. All is blurred save for the radiance of your face. I trace the softness of your lower lip with my fingertip and I can feel you tremble. There can be no more than fractions of an inch between us now. I place my face close to yours; our lips almost touching. I can feel the ragged breath coming from your mouth. I hear you moan softly as the final gap is closed and we become one.

Faster now, our hearts combine, and hammer out the rhythm of the universe. I cover your face and eyes with kisses. You cling to me as if to an anchor in storm tossed seas. I cannot seem to get close enough to you. I squeeze you tighter as if we could somehow find a way to actually merge into one being. I can never be complete again unless you are with me this way. You are laughing like a child reborn, and smiling at me through tears of joy.

Snap! We are back to the real world. My heart is still racing and my soul still clutches you tightly to me; but there you stand, coffee cup in hand. You are looking at me strangely. You felt something, just for a moment, didn’t you? I smile and walk you slowly back to your desk, uttering meaningless phrases along the way. Did you feel it too? I may never hold your physical body, though even that is never certain. We have shared something though. Somehow, somewhere, just for a moment, we were together in the way that counts most. Where the spirit goes the heart must follow. I watch you walk away and glance back at me over your shoulder. Yes, I am looking still. I do so love to look at you, my sweet reverie.

© 1999 by D. Ron Mack
Written 5/10/1999

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