Part first


Chapter 1.1


Wisdom calms, quietness gives wisdom.

Quietness - my weapon, quietness - a lifestyle.

If you clever, why wretch?

If you clever, why suffer?

Psychosophy - doctrine of wisdom of soul, giving quietness.

Wise is quiet, foolish worries.

Happiness - a quietness, rather then joy or grief.

Truth - that calms.

Better quietness happiness do not find.

Disturbed - deprive rest.

Calm clever, worrisome foolish.

Quietness is money, money is quietness.

Wealth happiness does not give.

Dilute joy by grief, and grief by joy, and you will quiet down.

Quietness - way to the God, Lord and Satan.

Quietness - a wealth, anxiety - poverty.

Sense of life - quietness, death.

Evil - weapon of suicide.

You are better, if other.

Who for Me, that for itself.

The wisdom of soul gives quietness, another - all remaining.

Wisdom - absence of desires.

Levels of wisdom - cheerful, dream, death.

From one and same - a joy and grief, quietness and anxiety: from things and people, from ideas.

Learn own desires - kill own desires, and you will become calm as a God.

In a coffin - you happiness.

Quietly live - quietly dead.

Communicate - search an advantage.

The world yours - thoughts yours.

Much see - little know.

