Power enslaves a potentate.
Majority to nothing does not learn, minority forgets all.
Accident rules a world.
Accident generates large, need - small.
Accident adjures important, need -small.
Whether it is necessary to live, experiencing?
Live dead, diing, come alive.
Accident it is necessary, need casual.
Wisdom - an emptiness.
Forget a joy and grief, quietness - a house native.
Glory humiliates famed.
Beside wise fates no.
To live difficultly, to die easily.
Wise rest does not be afraid - it is a quietness.
You live, not knowing life.
Forget past - recollect future.
Quietness is - people no, people be - rest no.
Else day of diing.
To petrify - to become the man.
All bores, even boring.
The man all and nothing does not know, because lives and dies.
To live, outliving, - not to live.
Body lives, while wisely, and dies, when becomes silly.
Soul lives, while foolish, and dies, when becomes clever.
Whether I live, sufferring, or I am dead?
Bad will calm good, good - bad.
It is a lot of by dead soul; they come alive, when die.
Sweetly to live - bitterly to die.
Wake up sleeping - outlive death its.
Learn, not learning, and understand, not undestanding.