Portal To Another Dimension

Gateway To The Oracle Within


Flickering in the far distance, in the exotic darkness
of tantric space, a faint, azure light reappears,
as a manifestation of the aural energies within the
subsconscious wonderland, as a beacon for the ascending passions
of the translineal self. In the Chronicles of Transaurius,
the emanations of this occultic star are sought
for their magical wisdom, knowledge and
sense of cosmic unity. Legend has it that
within the pale blueish white light of the Oysterstar
are the hermetic frequencies of a higher, yet unknown dimension,
where only the most exquisite thoughts may dare
tread and be welcomed. Those who have touched the magical ambiance
of the Oysterstar have reported hearing music that set
off waves of angelic visions, equally prismatic and enigmatic,
as if from another era, from a time yet to be........

Theories suggest that the Oysterstar is a part of a higher,
divine perpose, that its origins are not to be found
within the known flow of time, that the music
within its etheric flickers has already actualized
on the earthen plane. The search is now on to find the entity
which embodies the most tangible elements of the
Oysterstar's mythical magic. One amongst us may have
the clues needed. The Quest begins.........






To that which circles, which enobles and inspires
To the sacred spark of the astronomized mind
To those who will one day discover and become
Who sense the beauty and power within
Whose destinies are known to the holy light of the Oysterstar
Visions unto you.......


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