May 11-15
Spelling Contract
wr-/r/ and kn-/n/ Patterns:
"w" before an r and "k" before an n are silent.1. knob_____________ 11. magnet___________
2. knife_____________ 12. force_____________
3. knack____________ 13. attract____________
4. kneel_____________ 14. repel_____________
5. knuckle___________ 15. circuit____________
6. wrap_____________
7. write_____________
8. wrong____________ Bonus: knowledge
9. wreath___________ _________________
10. wrinkle__________
Spelling Activities
Monday: Introduce spelling pattern. Highlight pattern in words. Write words in your best cursive. Homework: Write a story using at least 10 of your spelling words. Due May 12, 1998
Tuesday: Write your spelling words in alphabetical order.
Wednesday: Make a spellamadoodle with your words. Write each 3 times along the lines of your picture.
Thursday: Practice Test
Friday: Test
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