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This page created on November 4th, 1998.

God's Country

Last October I took my (now annual) visit to the U.P., partly to take in the colors/sights and partly to visit my friends that are still up at Michigan Tech. Hit on the links below to look at the individual photos.

My favorite place in the world, the Keweenaw

If I could afford a second home, it would be in this area. Houghton is a really friendly place, not to mention beautiful. I can't begin to figure out all the miles I put on my car cruising through the forests while I was going to Tech. Here are the best photos from my last trip there.

Do do do lookin' out my back door

During my stay in Houghton, I stayed at the College Motel. Here's the great view I had just outside my door.
Looking toward Hancock
Looking toward Mont Ripley ski area

A little gridiron action

As luck would have it, MTU held it's homecoming football game while I was in Houghton. Here are the photos.
The Huskies head into the stadium
I've long contended that Sherman field is one of the most beautiful stadiums in america, not for it's architecture, but for it's view of the surrounding countryside.
The Husky Pep Band at work
At halftime of the game, the Pep Band led by Jeff Bell Hanson performs to the delight of the homecoming crowd.
The homecoming queen candidates
Halftime also saw the crowning of the homecoming queen. An interesting twist to this is that one of the nominees is male (the male in the fourth couple from the left). Even stranger...he came in 2nd!
Honoring gridiron heros of the past
One last activity at halftime was honoring the surviving members of the 1948 football team, which went undefeated. Believe me, the present team probably could have used their help, they lost the game to Ashland 45-10.

Riding around

Photos in this section were taken at various points around the Keweenaw while I was riding around on my motorcycle.
Keweenaw Waterway
This photo was taken while standing on the road from Houghton that leads to the Breakers, facing north, about 1 mile south of Oskar.
A nice view
Taken from the same location as the above photo, but this time facing east across the waterway.
Atop Brockway Mountain part 1
In this photo, you are looking down into the valley south of Brockway, facing in an easterly direction.
Atop Brockway Mountain part 2
This one is taken looking in roughly a western direction, with Lake Superior to the right.
Silver Falls photo 1
This and the next two photos are taken at various points along Silver Falls, a cute little waterfall right next to M-26 and the western access road up Brockway Mountain.
Silver Falls photo 2
Silver Falls photo 3
Copper Harbor Lighthouse
Taken from the shoreline right outside of Ft. Wilkins State Park. It's a little grainy because I used the scanner at a higher resolution to magnify the image.


Part of the reason I stopped at this location was to get more pictures for my Redridge web presentation. But I also wanted to snap a few scenic photos as well. Here are photos from that category.

The lake
A photo of the artificial lake created behind the timber dam at Redridge. For those that know the area, I was standing west of the dam , somewhere near the old waste weir of the steel dam, looking east. I took a picture of the exact same place last year, I think this one looks better because the angle of the sun was better.
The road through Redridge and old Redridge School
Taken from the small parking area west of the steel dam, looking eastward. Those of you that haven't seen the old schoolhouse in a few years might notice that someone has repainted it.
Salmon Trout River Ravine
This one was taken from the road over the ravine, directly over the river, looking downstream toward Lake Superior.
Mouth of the Salmon Trout River
Taken on the stampsand beach of the west bank looking back eastward.

And that's the end of my photo tour of the Upper Peninsula. I hope you enjoyed it.
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