Bookies Hall of Fame
Here is the growing collection of Bookie pictures... If you don't see your favorite Bookie don't fret... try the sister page Bookiefests... or even the new Bookie Families page... for extra fun print them, laminate them, & give them to your favorite librarian or bookstore manager as trading cards!
& her surrogate |
Hannah our mascot's mom and Baby Bianca |
Theresa in front of the restaurant she met Gia at |
So Zae, what do you think of OBX? |
the women in this row have a history of dubious appearances! But the survey says that Margo is on both ends with Catherine and Garett in the center! |
Ms. Jennifer Smiles & her home- grown Tennessee nuts! |
Kenya baking up the sunshine in Idaho! |
Our 1998 Australian Bookie model of the year, Sonya! |
No bookie mystery goes unsolved thanks to Jim! |
Cher reminds us our groove is Always waiting for us anytime we want to visit her in Jamaica! |
Clara, one of our prize Virginians, and her twin... |
Carla, reading to her friends. |
Michelle C living the Bookie dream... |
This wonderful background was found at: