Mr. Mahlum's Home Page
Hello, I teach ninth grade physical science, basic physical science, and accelerated physical science at North Junior High Campus, in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin.

I will update this page every Sunday night and provide you with a weekly list of assignments given out and collected.  It will also be useful for noting when upcoming project are due. Follow the links to the information you are interested in.

I will not be teaching life science this year or physical science. Therefore, clicking on these links will take you to blank pages. If you run into any problems please email me as soon as possible so I may fix the problem.  Thank you.
Boom !!!!
Links to other sites on the web:
Physical Science Schedule
Eighth Grade Schedule
Focus Science Schedule
Honors Physcial Science Schedule
Class Documents
Pictures Page Milwaukee Admirals
Movies Page!!!!!!
My Info:
Name: Mr. David Mahlum