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On Islam






A Place for Living

All of us need allies in living. One of the central human acts is that of inhabiting a space which connects, however temporarily, to a place on this planet which belongs to us, and to which we belong. It's like a journey, in which your search is for a companion who is as much your beloved as you are his or hers, and similarly, from primordial times to the present day, we spend our lives seeking a place to live in, in peace. The act of going to a [place of worship] is nothing but that search, and such solace by its nature is ephemeral.

To create a space where the sacred can enter, whether it's your body or a building, is the ultimate in human endeavour.

. . . isn't it very important to bring back the beauty of everyday objects into our lives? Perhaps more than books or paintings or films which lie unvisited except on, more often than not, a melancholy occasion. Thus the art becomes entertainment and escape, whereas everyday objects, by definition, are part of our qutodian lives, and if beautiful, then they help heal and maybe whole and holy our lives which are fragmented, and are without integrity.

- Asit Chandmal

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Last modified : June 20, 1999.