My Good Day!!! =)


Hey all, well, i didn't feel like retyping the whole thing just now, so here's a nice lil conversation me and my buddy Alex had about my good day... Enjoy!

Ripley4822: 1. wearin 1a my fav shirts (havnt worn it in bout a year)

Eiko14: heh

Ripley4822: 2. finly found my fav scrunchie (black waffle type thingy), wearin that 2

Eiko14: Yay

Ripley4822: 3. went shoppin, which is bad, but take a look at this...

Ripley4822: 3a. got new kakis =)

Eiko14: hee hee

Ripley4822: 3b. got sum green pants =) i know ill never wear them, but ive wanted sum 4 a while... =) again

Eiko14: double yay =)

Ripley4822: 3c. got a shirt 2 go with this awesum skirt ive got that im gonna wear on thanksgiving

Eiko14: Yay

Ripley4822: 3d. got shoes to go with the shirt i got to go with the skirt ive got that im gonna wear on thanksgiving

Eiko14: 3e?

Ripley4822: 4. im gonna go c tha wizard of oz in the theater!

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