

Statistics Syllabus

2002 - 2003                                                                                           rusty shirley

School Phone: (770) 954 - 9515                           e-mail:


The topics to be covered include descriptive statistics, probability (discrete and normal), and confidence intervals.



Ø      Students are to be in class, prepared and ready to learn, when the bell rings to begin the period.  Class will be dismissed at the teacher's instruction.

Ø      Students will actively participate in class in a manner that facilitates the learning of the material being presented or reviewed. 

Ø      Students who are absent from class, and the absence is excused according to the standards set forth in the student handbook, it is your responsibility to determine what work was missed.  Work must be made up and turned in according to the guidelines set forth in the student handbook.

Ø      Assignments will cover material that has not been covered in class but is presented in the reading.  This material should be covered prior to the class in which it is taught or reviewed.

Ø      There will be numerous lab situations involving collecting and evaluating data.  In these situations it is expected that all students in each group will contribute.  Each student's grade will be based on their solution as well as how they worked within the group.



Ø      There will be at least six classwork/homework grades taken each six-week period.

Ø      There will be at least two test grades taken each six-week period.

Grade Categories



Letter Grade





Classwork / Homework








Final Exam  




below 70%




Ø      All work turned in for grading is expected to be the work of the student turning in that particular assignment.

Ø      Any student, acting individually or with others, who obstructs or disrupts any teaching or learning activity, shall be subject to disciplinary procedures.



Ø      Textbooks will be checked out to students for use during the school year.  They are to be returned in the same condition they are checked out.

Ø    Students will find a graphing calculator useful throughout the course.

Ø    Drawing instruments and graph paper will also be useful at times during the course.


Ø     I send home progress reports after each test to inform parents and students of their current average in the course.  These are to be signed and returned as a homework grade.

Ø     Please feel free to leave a message in my school voice mailbox or e-mail me at any time.  I will answer e-mails within 24-hours unless I'm out of town and will return phone messages within the week.  Many times, when returning phone messages, I do not leave messages on answering machines because it is hard to return my call.  If I leave a message it is because I have tried to contact you at least three times and been unsuccessful.  If I have left two messages it would be good for you to try and contact me again and let me know a good time to call.  (Please keep in mind that I am not at home Tuesday and Thursday evenings until very late.)  I attend many of the school's sporting and cultural events so on many Fridays and Saturdays you can speak with me at one of these activities.


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Assignment Sheet

Currently the assignments for this course are being revised.

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