Hi !!! What brings you here

Lets see what you're gonna find around...

  Something from me.... 
So, if you.... 
  1. are patient... 
  2. have a fast modem... 
  3. are really curious about me... 

mouble...mouble... go GET IT !!! 
(AVI file at 320x200 15fps.. about 635KB) 

  About me... 
I have graduated the Computer Systems Dept. of Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus. My thesis was to implement a full support Object Oriented Graphics Library for developers that uses a C++ compiler. The main features were: 
  1. black box output, means that your program has not to worry about the output device resolution, either this device is screen or printer or even plotter. Moreover the library support external video driver files, that dynamically can be linked into your code at runtime. I have already developed a VESA driver. For writing your own drivers I have made a "DDK" that helps you write your own drivers. 
  2. 2D & 3D vector graphics operations as planes & vector calculations 
  3. 3D Cameras, Multiple Windows & Viewports, you can attach any camera on any window on any viewport, they can be changed dynamically at runtime. 
  4. Matrix opearations, such as rotation, scaling, perspective, shearing. 
  5. bitmap graphics operations such as polygons, lines, circles, round boxes, filled objects. 

The whole project developed using Borland C++ 3.1 and Borland Assembler on DOS environment. 

During my studies and after my graduation I was involved with H/W maintenance and troubleshooting, especially on Wyse terminals and Unix servers, where I learned a lot about the Unix and its networks. 
Finally, from the April '94 I'm involved in development of CD-ROM titles. I've been specialized on authoring part of multimedia. 


I adore listening... 
Give it a try...if you like jazz style ofcaurse... 

  1. Chick Corea 
    HQ Real Audio file "Electric City", 112KB 
  2. Chick Corea 
    Midi file "Carnival", 26.4KB 
  3. Paquito De'Rivera 
    LQ Real Audio file "Acapulco Night", 55.1KB 
  4. Spyro Gyra 
    HQ Real Audio file "Breakout", 133KB 
  5. Renee Rosnes 
    Midi file "Come rain or Come sine", 31.1KB 

... and many many more... 

If you haven't Real Audio Player v2.0 go and Get ONE!!! 
So... if what you've heard, is what you realy like, then go give it a shot right HERE !!! 



My graphic art creations. 

...here are some graphics that I have made. 
(Some parts has been completed by others...)

  Some 3D screenshots...
Each icon, is a part of its respective image. Click on the icon for seeing the whole Image

Some image synthesis you can use it as wallpaper...

A "Batman for Ever" wallpaper (Jpeg 1024x768x8, size: 78KB)

The "Chick Corea & Electric Band !!!" wallpaper (Jpeg 562x482x8, size: 20KB)

This wonderfull country called GREECE !!! (Jpeg 640x480x8, size: 38KB)

She loves her NEW!! look (Jpeg 600x448x8, size: 21KB)


The most of time... 
... I spend working on Multimedia Center's Studio, where my primary occupation is to writing a lot of code for all those Multimedia things !!. I also do some 3D tasks, Image & Sound processing & video processing tasks. Also I'm doing a lot a search on that HUGE! thing called "The Internet!!!" 
GO!! and take a look on something  


In my free time... 
... I like to read books that have to do with game development, windows programming etc. But I don't like to be taken as a "ComPUtEr fRiCk !!!". On weekends I spend my time, trying to take off my air-model. It's a Breezing model (20:1 scale) of Kyoso Co.. I have 3!! crashes in my short career as a pilot (!!). Also I like doing skiing at the mountain, and I think that is an exciting extreme sport... 

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Also I want to THANKS!!! for their help :



  If you really liked this page, please do send me your  (e-mail) 
This file was updated at Saturday, 23 Aug 1998 (c) George Velimachitis '98 
To get in touch with me, just send your e-mail with your comments. 


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