
Those demos make full use of the above mentioned libary. They all run in DOS mode, and use the VESA capabilitiesof your graphics adapter. Some demos needs a Trident graphics adapter.

3D & 2D Vector/Matrix functions...
...this simulation shows a light-ray reflecting inside a cube filled with spheres. The simulations make use of the primitives objects and mathematical functions supported by this library... In Stereo !!!
DOS demo in ZIP format: (Size 50KB)
- : slow down the ray...
+ : speed up the ray...
esc: exit program...

World Camera Model...
...those demos make use of the world camera model supported by this library. The cameral model is very flexible on defining perepsective/orthogonal views, stereoscopic views & volume clipping.
DOS demos in ZIP format: (Size 88KB)
x : move in X direction...
y : move in Y direction...
z : move in Z direction...
b : bring closer "Back Clip" plane...
f : move away "Front Clip" plane...
e : adjust perspective factor..
esc: exit program...
Make use of "SHIFT" for reversing the action...

Stereoscopic Views...
... take a nice pair of 3D glasses (Red & Blue color), or make one by your self using transparent polarized color plastic... and see everything jumps out of the screen !!!
DOS demos in ZIP format: (Size 134KB)
r : adjust Red color brightness...
g : adjust Green color brightness...
b : adjust Blue color brightness...
esc: exit program...
Make use of "SHIFT" for reversing the action...

Camera, Windows & Viewports...
...those demos here make use of the Windows & Viewport functionality as described in GKS standard. Also you can see the palette manipulation capabilities supported by the library.
DOS demos in ZIP format: (Size 78KB)
DOS demo in ZIP format: (Size 44KB)
Use your mouse to select areas. Also click the right button to take the current coordinates.

This file was updated at Saturday, 23 March 1998(c) George Velimachitis '04
To conduct me just send your e-mail with your comments.