The Eleusinian Mysteries:

Healing and Transformation


Stations of the Eleusinian Mysteries


These activities represent the "stations" through which the Mystai were required to pass on their initiatory travels to Eleusis. Although there is some dispute from text to text as to the order of their occurrence in the nine day journey to Eleusis, authors seem to agree upon the nature and symbolism of the stations (or events) themselves.


1. Agrymos Assembly: Fifteenth (some say the nineteenth) day of Boedromion

2. Purification-attended to by the "Hydranos" Priest of Purification: Journey to the Sea (Rhetoi-place favored by the Eleusinians here it was said that salt water flowed to the sea) the 16th. day of Boedromion

3. Sacrifices: Offerings for Demeter as the Sorrowing One, (a sow, barley, fish (mullet) . Prayers for women and children.

4. Solemn procession in honor of Asklepios, god of healing on the eighteenth day of Boedromion. Libation (trygetos)offered to Dionysius and to other gods. Preparation of the Kykeon. Carrying of sacred baskets, chest of sesame, carded wool, salt, pomegranates , poppies, a serpent, boughs of ivy and cakes.

5. Day of Iacchus (Dionysos' alter-ego), Divine child of Zeus (Hades) and Demeter (Persephone). Revelry - procession by sacred fig tree. Day of Torches. Bridge of Jests. Through 'mystical entrance' to Eleusis. Dance with the fifty daughters of Ocean, stars and moon. Games are celebrated. Tying of Kroke on the right hand and left foot. Myrtle branches. Women carry the Kykeon.

6. Day of Rest: Sacrifice and Purification preparation.

7 & 8. Initiation Ritual: Dromena [things Done]; Legomena [Things Said]; Deicymena [Things Shown]. Vision of ineffable things [a golden serpent, an egg, and the phallus and Persephone [Queen of the Dead]. Those who entered the Telestarion for the Vision [Epoptai] fasted for nine days, drank the Kykeon - fermented barley and mint drink probably containing 'Ergot' (the mold which grows on wheat that is the base for LSD).

9. Plemochoai: the 'pourings of plenty'. Hye - Kye. "Flow - Conceive".


We have endeavored to maintain the nature and symbolism in each of the events in order to convey the appropriate mythological, psychological and philosophical essence. We will celebrate them as follows:


0. Prior to Retreat - Agrymos

1. Tying of Cord of Aspirations/taking of a new (mythic) name

2. Pilgrimage to the Sacred Way (awake with prayers for women an children)

3. Synthema and Rite of Kroke


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