

People, places, words and events in the Aurora / Leda series.

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Ab'Dian, Prophet Founder / Leader of the New David's Firestorm
Adair Young girl who escorts Leda in mercy medical from Ademn to Leadville Adair
Adreel Akein's first love. She partnered into the wealthy and politically powerful Murkle family. Strong advocate for children & women in the political arena. Moses
Akein Friend of Moses Moses


Companion and protector to Leda.  Suffered severe brain damage. 

Chu, Captain Captain of the Dirigible East Wind; life long friend to Leda & nephew to Captain Mohammed. Firestorm
Ferguson Chief engineer of the Gray Lady, who's engineering skills largely saved the crew. Dirigible Down
Fra Madera Elder Brethren at Sanctuary. Leda's moral advisor &Amp; Counselor Firestorm
Juarez, Councilor Jerusalem Counsilor involved in the Jerusalem incident Firestorm
Leda Main Character found throughout Series  
Merin, Colonel Colonel in the Red Caps in charge of West Coast contingency. Has brief affair with Leda during her military training. Merin
Red Caps One of Mose's two sisters Moses
Ming Run away befriended by Leda Firestorm
Miranda Akein's Academy Twirl-flirt Moses
Mohammed, Captain Dirigible captain of the Gray Lady which crashed in Manarsh Dunes Dirigible Down
Moses Leda's Academy lover, her first Twirl-flirt. Goes on to engineer water projects across Aurora. Moses
Nebul Leda's older brother Moses
Swartz, Ensign Pharmacy mate on the Gray Lady. Dirigible Down
Tiasa One of Mose's two sisters Moses
Zack Met Leda at a Touchdown dinner party in mid 20's and after a 20 year running affair became Leda's declared partner.  A polit who worked his way up from apprentice to a Councilor's personal aide.   


Autodoc Fully automated medical healing unit
Bed dancing Can apply to any act of sexual intercourse, but most often used in context of a Twirl-flirt lasting one or more nights. Children are the expected outcome of such acts.
Biogene Vat technique where materials are built up atom by atom by living biologicals 
Biolab Any Genetic Research or Production Environment including Vats
Cave Bear Mountain Herbavore, very large with long claws used for digging, runs from trouble as often as it fights.
Comcon Any variant in portable Communication / Computing Devices
Corn Any of a dozen Vat seed plants tailored to local conditions and food needs. Original plantstock said to be Earth Corn, hence the name.
Dirigible Stiff framed Zeppelin like craft used to move people & freight across Aurora
Femme Any human female in the reproductive age range (12 to 70). Young are called Girls and the old are Matrons or Elders.
Founder's Diet Corn based diet developed during first years of converting Mud River Basin to Earth conducive planting ground.
Founder's Effect Shift in gene pool resulting when small parent species stock is isolated for several generations.   Only through active interbreeding can colonist's hope to avoid this potential problem.
Klick Distance unit, about 0.75 kilometres in length.  Derivation uncertain, sometimes said to be the width of a Slowboat Pilot House of which one Captain nervously paced.
Lesser men Slang insult for men either impotent or infertile
Medkit Scaled down portable version of Autodoc, concentrating on dianostics.
Mogul Tree dwelling predator, swoops down on prey; with locking teeth it holds on till prey falls.
Nerat Small rodent like animal, lives along woodland rivers. Defenseless they survive only through rapid reproduction.
Pleasuring Slang term for any behavior aimed at attaining orgasm(s). Wider in scope than bed dancing as not limited to intercourse.
Polit(s) short for politicians
Refern's Plaque Very contagious disease harmless to local life, but quite lethal to transformed humans.
Sharks (1) Sharks are an ocean scavenger fish.  The coarse hide of this fish is highly toxic and abrasive to humans. (2) Sharks and Double Sharks is a slang curse similar to Earth-old `damn'.
Slowboat Interstellar ship used to get colonist to Aurora.
Tai Tea drink - vat brewed equivalent to Chai
Tatoes Potato like tubor; breeds true - no need for Vat Brewed seeds
Tavern Tart Prostitute or Escort.  Looked down upon not for seeking coin, but avoidence of contributing to gene pool through birth control.
Tech(s) short for technician
Tiles Board game using small ceramic tiles
Twirl-flirt Any sexual liason carried on outside the partner relationship. Twirl-flirting is either ignored or encouraged to increase genetic mixing. Any Twirl-flirt not condoned by the femme is considered rape by the DiSeppe, hence most Twirl-flirts are initiated by the femme.  Practice sometimes referred to as Gene Harvesting.
Twirl-tease A femme who suggests a Twirl-flirt, but stops short of delivering the bed dance.  Touchy subject among the clan families whenever overly insistent men find themselves charged with DiSeppe rape.  Sometimes referrred to as Gene Thrashers or Cutting Down the Harvest.
Vat Slang term for biogenetic production systems. Word usage dates back to Earth old brewing vats for alcoholic beverages by simple bacterium.  Vat products sometimes referred to as Vat Brewed.
Vegetes Any of the Vat brewed vegetable seed plants


Jerusalem Firestorm  
Transformation, The  


Academy, The  
Ademn Biological research station and biolabs located in the ____ rain forests.
Council, The  
Dirigible Service  
Frasca West Coast corporation settlement, runs large fishing fleet and processing station.  Home town of Leda and Moses.
Gray Lady, The An Omega class dirigible that crashed in the Manarsh Dune Country.
Manarsh Dunes  
Mud River Basin  
Murkles A DiSeppe clan family involved in Touchdown Politics
New Davids  
Pascal Family A trader family
Red Caps  
Sanctuary Jesuit like group (Brethren) serving psychiatric & medical needs of Aurora.
Silver City  
Touchdown City  
Touchdown Harbor  


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