monkey stuff


Welcome to Carl's joke corner where you can run across anything from little kid's humor to the biting satire of Winston Churchill to David Letterman's Top Ten List. These are borrowed pieces and credit will be given. If you would like submit something I will certainly consider it and most assuredly give you credit for your work. If you submit please include your source. Enjoy.

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Title: Why Did the Moron ... ?

Author: reinvented with each new generation of kids


The Little Moron and the Big Moron were fixing the roof of their house. Suddenly a great gust of wind appeared out of no where. The Big Moron fell off.

Why didn't the Little Moron?





Because the Little Moron was a little more on.

Last Words

If you have any thoughts about this page - good, bad or indifferent - please don't hesitate sharing them with me. I value your thoughts. I'd particularly value your contributions. Your idea, if used, will receive full acknowledgment. Thanks

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Carl A Smith
Spring `98


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