Monday, Welcome To The Pump House

You are about to enter The Pump House. The Pump House is dedicated to learning and experiencing the BDSM lifestyle.

Before entering the Pump House, we encourage you to read the below information.

The Pump House is Not:

A cybersex room.
A Gorean chat room.
A Gothic role playing room.

The Pump House is:

Somebody suggested I prattle on . . . okay, my words, not his . . . . about
the things I'm working on outside of this site. Easier said then done. Silly
things like NDA's prevent me from getting into to much detail, but it's client/
server application development, with a heavy dose of SQL and html thrown
in. It's interesting, in a bash your head against the wall sort of way.

The idea seems sound however, to discuss something on this site . . .
otherwise it's little more than a monologue to myself. So outside interests

Spending time with the few folks that mean the world to me
Learning about and advocating the BeOS operating system
Daytrading stocks
Listening to blues and jazz

From that list eventually a real web page may be made out of this mess. But I wouldn't hold my breath.

Thursday, July 16, 1998

Continuing on with this long-winded pre-amble to a "real" web site . . . I am not sure if I want to provide the world with yet another source for info on a new operating system, talk about the fun and loses you can have daytrading, or just be really egocentric and talk about me and how cool I think certain jazz or blues artists are. Note I am not including friends or loved one's in the discussion topics. After thinking about it, these people are my friends and loved ones. The rest of the world doesn't deserve them. Sorry world, these people are just for me. So which road do I travel?

More to come . . . . .

Friday, July 17, 1998

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