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If you are a person with interests in Paranormal, Healing, Religion, Cricket, India or Indian music, you may find something of use here. Atleast links to where you can find something.

Before you browse further, I want you to read the following and reflect on it.

Happy Soul Searching!

Made in India

Miracles are fantastic events which utilize hidden laws of nature that most people are not aware of. Miracles do not break the laws of nature, they are actually based on them!
-Choa Kok Sui.

A professor visited a Roshi (Zen master) to learn about Zen. The professor was more interested in talking and trying to impress the Zen master than in learning. The Roshi poured tea into the professor's cup and continued pouring until it was overflowing. The professor alarmingly said, "The cup is full and cannot receive more!" The Zen master calmly replied, "You are full of preconceived ideas and opinions. To learn, you must empty your cup!" The professor respectfully bowed to the Roshi and remained silent.
-A popular Zen story.

I welcome you with Love, dear brothers & sisters, to this Page.

It is an honour to meet you all through this unusual medium. We do not see face to face but we share our thoughts and intellect. It sounds mystical, doesn't it?

Heartfelt thanks to Yahoo/GeoCities for providing me this page free of cost. I hope I am able to make it enlightening for all those people who are destined to visit this area of the Web.

- Chanakya -

This page is dedicated to Universal Love & Brotherhood
(You think I am joking? Possible.)

But let's make a beginning.

[No, no, it is not "Possible that I am joking". It is "Possible that You think I am joking :-)".]

Updated: August 08, 1998; Feb 18, 2001; Aug 08, 2001, Feb 08, 2002, June 26, 2002.

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