The tarot set I use is The Mythic Tarot; called Mythic due to the set's relationship to the Greek Gods and their mythology.

I first became interested in tarot after going to a reader. I had been told by several psychics that I have a natural ability to give intuitive readings. I wasn't too surprised to hear this, since I had been having precognitive dreams from the age of 10 or 11. I only just recently found out (big family secret) that my great grandmother, grandmother, and mother all have some degree of psychic ablity. Beyond the three of them, I don't know who else may be gifted with "sight", as our family is spread out, and not known for keeping in touch. About 4 years ago, I was given a very nice set of tarot cards as a Christmas gift. (You should never buy your own set of cards, they should be given as a gift.) I started reading the book from the set, only to find I could not concentrate on it completely. Everytime I picked up the book, I became distracted. I eventually took my set to a reader with whom I'd had several sessions and asked her what my problem might be.

She said, "Open the cards, you're giving me a reading!" I was more than surprised and quite nervous. However, I did as she instructed and gave her a reading, which turned out to be very accurate. She encouraged me to keep working at it and offered me lessons. She then went on to explain that, eventually, I would be able to give readings without the cards. The cards would serve as a tool to help me focus and gain more control over my intiutive abilities. Since then, for practice, I have been giving readings to friends, co-workers and family members in order to hone my intuitive ability. My readings have been considered quite accurate by those I have read for.

If you live in the Mid-Michigan area and are interested in having me perform a reading in person for you, please e-mail me and we can schedule an appointment. Due to other obligations, I tend to schedule the majority of readings on the weekends. Readings do not have a time limit, I take as long as you need. If you don't live in Michigan, but need a reading anyway, I can do them remotely. Please understand that with the volume of requests I receive, it may take a week to two weeks to respond to your request. Please include ONLY your first name and the question you would like answered. This helps me to focus on the information you need. I will then e-mail you the results.

Please note: I am no longer available for readings, this site is now static.(12/06/01)
Thank you, Jacki

Love and light,
