Long before physics, chemistry, biology or any of those other sciences, there was astrology. It was the first science. As early as 2900 B.C., the Sumerians built their terraced pyramids to observe the stars and planets. Astrology began as the study of the “wandering” stars, or planets, as we know them today. It’s actually the study of cycles indicated by planetary movements, and associated with the energies and events occurring at the same time on earth. It uses the harmony of the universe to observe the possibilities of human behavior and experience. Astrologers analyze the position of the planets at the time you were born to map your strengths, your challenges and your soul’s purpose.

Your birth chart or horoscope is a unique map of who you are. Using the date, time and place of your birth, it shows the positions of the planets in the signs and houses. The odds of anyone else having the exact same horoscope as you are astronomically small. Put simply, astrology is based on the relationships between: the planets, the Sun and the Moon, the 12 zodiac (or Sun) signs and 12 areas (or houses) of a person’s life.

  • Planets are the “what” of astrology. They represent your various energies, including your mental and emotional nature, your desires, vitality, soul, will, consciousness, and subconscious, as well as the people in your life.
  • The zodiac signs are the “how” of astrology. They show the needs and styles of the planets, as well as what methods could be used to achieve them.
  • The houses are the “where” of astrology. Each of the 12 houses encompasses a specific arena of life and is the stage where the drama of the planets unfolds.

Some of us modern types like to think that we “know better” than to believe in astrology, but much of what we think we know about astrology really isn’t true at all. For example, astrologers never say that the planets influence our behavior. Actually, the planets are like barometers, or indicators of the same energies occurring on earth. We can watch the planets and use them as coincident indicators of what’s happening here. But to attribute cause or influence to a planet is like attributing outside temperature to a thermometer! Astrology is a symbolic system that works via synchronicity.

As you may have figured out, astrology connects your outer world to your inner world in order to reveal your potentials. And free will is there too, available to you, as long as you seek to really understand yourself and become conscious of your unconscious behavior. Your horoscope can reveal the lessons you need to learn in this life. For example, you may need to realize when you let others pull your strings and why, and then seek to reclaim that part of yourself. Fate and free will are two very different things. It’s possible to predict, for example, that you’re going to have major changes to your home life in a certain time period based on your present cycles. You could decide to “take the bull by the horns”, and make that move you always wanted to, or perhaps redecorate your home during that period. The lessons themselves could be called fate, because you will learn them; the manner in which you choose to take them is free will.

Energies - Yin and Yang

As you may already know the signs are categorized in a number of different ways - The first is by their Energy. It is either Yin or Yang. All earth and water signs are yin, while all fire and air signs are yang.

  • Yin represents the indirect forces and actions, those that understand what is needed to attract and create the desired outcome. Yin is also called the receptive or the negative electrical charge, and represents internal orientation, and the “female” side of things.
  • Yang signs tend toward direct action, rather than waiting for things to come to them. Yang represents the outgoing, the positive electrical charge, an external orientation and the direct “male” side of things.

Qualities - Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable

The second category is Qualities, which represent different types of activities and are related to where in a season a sign falls.

  • The first quality for the first sign in each season is called cardinal. People with cardinal signs are independent, they seek to move ahead, start new things and can be proactive and enterprising. Cardinal signs are the signs of beginnings. They also can be impatient if others don’t move as quickly as they do. But sometimes, once the project is begun and well under way, they may lose interest, and go off to start something else.
  • In the midst of the season we have what is called the fixed quality. People with fixed quality signs are consistent, reliable, determined and persistent. They often have great reserves of power, but they also can become stubborn or set in their ways. Remember, though, these are the characteristics needed to preserve something once it is started; these folks usually pick up where the cardinal signs leave off!
  • The third quality comes at the end of each season, and signifies a time of change, and so this sign quality is called mutable. These people adapt easily, are flexible, resourceful, and quick to learn, and can see issues from more than one angle. They may also lack perseverance, but this is precisely because they are adaptable and flexible; these traits are needed to make transitions!

Elements - Fire, Earth, Air and Water

The third category is the Elements, which describe the basic nature of the signs and of life.

  • Fire is the first element. Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) are idealistic, self-assertive, courageous and often visionary. If you remember that fire is first, it may help you to remember that fire signs are very active, stimulating creative expression, and always passionate.
  • Earth is the second element. Earth signs(Taurus,Virgo,Capricorn) are practical and skillful, good at managing physical assets and financial matters. Think of earth signs as “down to earth” and you will also remember their characteristics!
  • Air is the third element. Air signs(Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) represent social and intellectual abilities, ideas, communications, thinking and social interrelationships. People with air signs operate on a mental plane, through air so to speak, so that may help you to remember their characteristics.
  • Water is the fourth element. Water signs(Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) are sensitive and emotional; they think with their feelings, intuitively and are often romantic. Cancer represents the lake, Scorpio the river, and Pisces the ocean. If you think of water as an emotion you will remember the characteristics of the water signs!

  • All information on this page paraphrased from "The Pocket Idiot's Guide to Horoscopes" by M. Brodeur & L. Lenard

March 21
April 20

The sign of the pioneer, the daredevil, the person that just won't say "No". Nothing can stop the ram, as the first cardinal sign, no one has a stronger will. Rams want to be where the action is and will do anything to make sure they get there first. Rams are the only fire sign with a cardinal quality, so they like to start things, but may not want to finish them. Being a fire sign, they're enthusiastic, impulsive and likely to start something without thought of the consequences of their actions. The face is the part of the body that is under the ram's rulership. It could also represent the emergence of self, of beginnings. Rams are assertive, direct and straightfoward, but this also means they can be blunt or impatient. Strong willed rams can be remarkably single-minded once they have a goal in sight, but that same quality can make them tactless, blind to issues, or just plain irritating. Rams like challenges and are often wonderful leaders. Their courage can inspire others, and their enthusiasm can be contagious. Keep in mind, anyone who likes a challenge also likes a good fight, and rams can be argumentative. At their worst, they are steamrollers, at their best they are idea people who can inspire others to help those ideas see the light of day!

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April 21
May 21

No one is more down to earth than the passive, fixed, earth sign, Taurus. The Bull's feet are planted firmly on the ground, and his/her calm and dependability make the Bull a friend you can count on! Hand in hand with that dependability, bulls can be conservative and cautious, so they're usually perfectly happy with the way things are.
At their best, Bulls create a calm in the midst of storms all around them. They're connected solidly to their bodies and to their homes, have good job, good friends, good marriages and good children. They're the people everyone else turns to. (You know, the friend you can call for help at 2 a.m. when you have a flat tire!) Bulls may be resistant to change, and become dogmatic and even preachy. Bulls can't understand what all the excitement's about, and may be the first to tell you that all this New Age stuff is a lot of bunk! Bulls can be lazy as well - too comfortable to get out of their chair, or they can get so caught up in their earthly possessions that life itself passes them by. The Bull rules the neck and throat area of the body.

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May 22
June 21

Twins never miss a thing; their goal is to see everything. Gemini is a mutable sign, which signifies change: a yang sign, which signifies motion: and an air sign, which signifies the mind. Gemini also rules the hands, arms shoulders, and lungs. In their quest for knowledge, Twins are always in motion, always alert, tying to live not just two, but as many lives as they can, all at the same time. Often called a dualistic sign, the Twins are really deceptively simple; its all based on avid curiosity, on finding things out, then quickly moving on to something else. Twins can be amusing, witty, quick and flexible - and they can be glib, sarcastic, fickle and devious. Two sides of the same coin, and all too easy for a twin to flip back and forth between them. At their best Twins are masters of invention, clever and adaptable, never afraid to try something new. But this same eagerness to try everything can lead them to be scatterbrained or restless, even unreliable or ungrateful. At their weakest, Twins can run themselves to emotional exhaustion, or feel that nothing matters. At their strongest, their wide variety of interests brings them many friends and experiences, and their quick mind enables them to take it all in. You can always count on a Twin to be the life of the party! Twins' flexibility come from the fact that they are a mutable sign, and mutability means changability!

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June 22
July 23

Cancer is a water sign, with a cardinal quality; so, no one else feels like a Crab, and no one else retreats like one either. Quick to hurt, they're also quick to crawl into their shells; they can hold a grudge for life against one who has hurt them. Others look to Crabs for warmth and understanding, and Crabs will always lend a sympathetic ear, but they won't look to get the same from you. They may be the most sensitive sign of the zodiac, but they're also the least likely to let you know their feelings. At their best Crabs are dependable, loving, adaptable and self-sacrificing, which means at their worst, they're clingy, over-sensitive, moody and smothering. For Crabs, it's all about security, in fact, that's the major point of Cancer. Crabs are learning about emotional and physical security, as well as responsible nurturing. Crabs are easily distracted and anything can set their imagination running in another direction. Crabs are always off on tangents. Crabs can be sneaky, so don't ever take one for granted. Cancer rules the stomach and breasts.

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July 24
August 23

Talk about self-confidence, Lions invented it! Ruled by the Sun, Lions bask in the spotlight. They're dramatic, bold, creative and strong; no other sign can grab and hold the spotlight the way a Lion can. Lions are great fun to be a round too, their exuberance is contagious, and when they get to a party, everyone knows its time for the fun to really start! Lions are great leaders and they don't give up. Leos eventually learn to align themselves to not just their own will, but also to their higher self and the creative principles of the universe. Because Leo is a fixed sign, they can be determined, stubborn or even habit bound. They can also be generous, commanding, ambitious and proud but this also means they can be intolerant, demanding, self-righteous and vain. Lions can lead others to tremendous victories, but they can be ruthless with their enemies, though their memories are short, and they are quick to forgive. Because Leo is a fixed sign, lions are exceptionally loyal, and expect loyalty in return as well. They are very up front about their needs and expectations too. Leo rules the back, spine and heart.

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August 24
September 23

Purity, perfection, practicality; these are the Virgin values. But, what does this translate to? Virgins more than any other sign are identified with analyzing, with examining everything in great detail in order to improve themselves and the world. They tend to serve the greater good; they are very responsible people. Virgins have long been known as healers and those who serve. Calm on the outside, Virgins will fool you like no other sign; on the inside they're all restless energy, constantly seeking, improving and fixing whatever needs to be fixed. Although, they can be inflexible, and they can worry too much with all that thinking. Virgins measure their self-esteem by weighing what they have accomplished in a given day; then they see themselves as whole people, with love, feelings, and other important things to offer. No one is more organized than a Virgin; while the rest of the world is collapsing around them, virgins are calmly making lists of what's left! Because Virgo is an earth sign, virgins are very practical, and because their quality is mutable, they're very resourceful and flexible. Virgo rules the intestines and colon.

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September 24
October 23

Harmony, balance; no one wants to even things out like a Libra. Libra begins at the autumn equinox, a time when the length of the day equals that of the night, and Scales strive for balance in all that they do. Libra is the sign of justice; the goal for Libra is the attainment of inner harmony and a reconciliation of opposites. Not an easy task, but if anyone can do it, Libra can! Libras are charming, and their charm is primarily due to the rulership of Venus. Scales see everything from both sides and have a great appreciation of art and beauty. As a yang, cardinal sign they generate a great deal of activity as well, especially in starting things, like diplomatic relations with others. But Libra is an air sign as well, and has an active mind. Scales are social creatures, ready to share their experience with others and quick to form partnerships. Friendly, popular, attractive, idealistic, they are often eager to talk about their high principles and lofty ideals with anyone who will listen. But Scales can seem affected or insincere, too eager to compromise or worse yet, indecisive! Scales are often so busy weighing each side of an issue they can never come to a conclusion or a decision. Also, in their need to please others, they may forget to please themselves. Scales need to be aware of their own needs and meet them too. At their best though, Scales understand that their strength lies in creating and maintaining relationships. Scales seek to find their perfect compliment, their other half, to complete the balance. They also strive for balance in the other areas of their life. Libra rules the kideys, lower back, and adrenal glands.

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October 24
November 22

Scorpios are intense; after all, they're dealing with life and death/birth and sex. Scorps are all about mystery and they can be both penetrating and incisive. Scorpio is one of the signs that has 2 rulers, Pluto and Mars. That's why this sign can be quite a warrior and very powerful. Combined with their fixed nature, these people never give up. Like all water signs, Scorps are more concerned with feelings than appearances, but as a fixed sign, they're often resistant to change. Scorps ability to see through others facades can serve them well, and they can wait forever for the right moment to get even or make their move. Scorps are constantly probing beneath the obvious face of things, seeking what lies beneath. One of their rulers is Pluto, the invisible planet that rules beginnings and ends, both of which occur out of natural sight. Scorpion's intensity and probing may make them sound humorless and frightening, but these same characteristics create both a passion and excitement as well. You may feel as if a Scorp is looking right through you, but the feeling can be an invigorating one! Scorpio rules the genitals, urinary and reproductive tracts.

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November 23
December 21

No other sign is so focused on finding life's basic truth. Archers burn with this need to understand and as a mutable sign, they thrive on the changes this search can provide. Archers are also a yang sign, so they are always moving toward more and more experience. This is a party sign and is marked by the fire sign's enthusiasm, high spirits, and a whole lot of fun. The Archer's optimism is contagious, and their honesty and directness can be a breath of fresh air. Archers thrive on freedom, and they never tire of a change of scenery. But their lack of commitment can annoy other more responsible signs. Their generosity may spill into excessiveness; their optimism may make them blind to details; and their honesty can make their remarks seem blunt or inconsiderate. Most dangerous to archers can be their tendency toward dogma. Because they're seeking a universal truth rather than an individual one, they may mistake a trend for that truth and then become rather preachy about its powers. But archers truly do wish to unite all people under one idea, and if they believe they've found it, they're eager to share it with everyone. Still, for archers, getting there is half the fun! Sagittarius rules the liver, hips and thighs.

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December 22
January 20

No earth sign's public persona is closer to its values than a Goat's, and no sign is more directed toward its goals. Intense and practical, Goats will bide their time, waiting for the right moment to climb to the peak. Because once they do,, they plan on staying there. Self control of both will and emotion help Goats to achieve their aims. As the cardinal earth sign, Goat is decidedly down to earth in its efforts, and with its yin energy, a Goat uses the mind rather than physical force to reach its goals. It can be lonely at the top, but of a Goat wants to stay there, they'll have to learn to live with the solitude. At their best, Goats are ambitious, organized, responsible and efficient. At their worst, cold, calculating, rigid and suspicious. In their effort to achieve security, Goats may step on anything or anyone that gets in their way. But they can be surprisingly kind too, especially to those who have been kind to them. Goats are motivated by pride, they don't like to be beholden, and so, they repay favors generously. Goats will surprise you with their quiet dry wit helping to pass the day. Capricorn rules the bones, joints and knees.

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January 21
February 19

Aquarius is where you'll find the zodiacs eccentric individualists and crazy inventors. Anything out of the ordinary interests these independent sign, and Water Bearers are often trend spotters and trend setters. WB's fixed air represents persistent development of the intellect through communication, and their planetary influence (Uranus) means they'll be committed to innovation and change. WBs will often be progressive and open minded, but the fixed quality means they will be fixed in their opinions as well. WBs will do anything to avoid boredom and they care little what others think, especially once they have determined their own particular cause. Their ambition is for humankind rather than just self. Most Aquarians are about 50 years ahead of their time, and talking to the rest of us, can sometimes make them feel like they've come to visit from another planet! Aquarius rules the ankles and the circulatory system.

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February 20
March 20

True to the Piscean paradox, the symbol for Pisces represent two fishes tied together, or 2 crescent moons connected by a straight line - emotion and a higher consciousness tied down to the material world. No wonder Fishes so often feel misunderstood and yet have so many possibilities. Mutable water; from solid ice to liquid water to vaporous steam, this is the Pisces character, changing according to outside conditions. And yet, Fishes live largely in the world of imagination, where objects and events seem to have no outer connection to reality. This sign creates the possibility to move beyond self into transcendence, represented by humans as the world of dreams and faith. But this can also be a world of sheer escapism, where dreaming is done for its own sake. Fishes are highly intuitive and can often walk into a room and immediately know how everyone is feeling. Unfortunately they sometimes have tendency to take responsibility for how everyone is feeling. This can lead them to wonder why they feel so bad, when they woke up that morning feeling so good! As a result, Fishes can have a hard time maintaining their boundaries and knowing what they are feeling. Above all, Fishes are here to give to anyone who needs their help, love or attention. Pisces is associated with baptism, spiritual cleansing and renewal. Pisces is the symbol of divine purity; in fact, the birth of Christ is associated with the beginning of the age of Pisces. Pisces rules the feet, immune system and hormonal system.

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