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                               Skin bars                                                                  
Beyon some skin bars
that it prevents me the enjoyment  of my freedom
I am prisoner and jailer at the same time,
condemned to live dragging the penalty
of living illuminated by the shade
of the decrease and light dancer of an oil-lamp;
so gloomy, so angular, so distant...

 Beyond  some skin bars
that it prevents  me the enjoyment  of my freedom
I have by only consolation 
to know that all are prisoners of something or someone;
of a sentence or one it suffers,
and to know it is vital to defeat it,
so as not to to enjoy the freedom 
on a sand world.

Beyond some skin bars
that it prevents  me the enjoyment  of my freedom ,
I live with an only doubt;
to suffer  in solitude and silence my pain
or to suffer the rejections by her
in the hard battle by a conquest,
   the one of the love of a princess,
  the one of a sweet siren.. 

