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Imagine For One Minute…

Imagine that your thoughts can help others.

For thousands of years people have believed in the power of positive thought, meditation and prayer to affect changes in their world - recent studies indicate that this can be scientifically proven.

At we believe that collective thought can make dramatic global changes that will benefit all of our futures.

Read Our Mission Statement And Find Out More Here...

Whatever our spiritual, religious or cultural beliefs, we are all able to see the changes in the world around us. We realise that the world situation has to change towards a more positive future for us all.

Is it time for positive change around the planet?

We live in a world where there is an ever-increasing need for positive change on a global level. Understandably we feel helpless.

At we firmly believe that collective positive thought can make a difference - for the benefit of us all.

We ask that you join us on 3 March 2003 to make a difference - just your thoughts, love and concentration are needed, and only for 3 minutes.

Is it such a bizarre concept to consider?

A growing group across the world are promoting and preparing for 3 March 2003.

Take a look around our site to find out more...

On 03/03/03 at 3:33am and 3:33pm a growing group of individuals will join together in three minutes of focused positive thought to bring about a better world for us all. We hope that you will join us for just three minutes on the day and make this world a better place.

We firmly believe that when enough people think positive, peaceful and healing thoughts, the global effects can become a reality. Surely we all seek true world peace regardless of our human differences?

Surely it's worth a try?

Will you spare three minutes of thought on 03:03:03 to attempt to make this world a better place for all of our tomorrows? What have you got to lose? And the gains could be immense- for just 3 minutes of your time.

What Sort Of 'Thoughts' Are Needed? Click Here To Read More...

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Online Since 3 January 2003