Special Needs Assistance Fund
Special Needs Assistance Fund
A project of the Illinois Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, Inc.


Helping parents of twins and triplets meet the extraordinary financial challenge of raising a child with special needs.

Did you know...
the incidence of twin births in the United States is approximately 1 in 43, and 1 in 1,341 for triplets and higher order multiples?

Every year over 90,000 sets of twins and over 4,000 sets of triplets and higher order multiples are born in the United States. As the incidence of multiple births continues to rise, so too does the occurrence of health risks associated with twin and triplet gestation.

A multiple pregnancy is statistically more likely to cause complications, including low birth weight and premature delivery. The additional health concerns that often result from these risks can last a lifetime.
Developmental delays, physical and mental limitations, and chronic health conditions can create long-term emotional and financial demands on families already handling the responsibility accompanying the joy of having twins, triplets, or more in the family.

The Illinois Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs, Inc. understands the high costs of raising a special needs child. Therapies, surgeries, special equipment and adapting a family home for a physically-challenged child can be extremely expensive. Unfortunately, not all expenses are covered by traditional health insurance or other benefit programs.

A couple from St. Charles, Illinois was informed by their insurance carrier that oral surgery for their four-year old son, to enable him to chew properly, was not a covered benefit. The cost to the family, already challenged with the expense of raising triplets, was $5000.

A Bartlett, Illinois family, whose twin son's prematurity caused cerebral palsy and blindness, has spent close to $500,000 for his medical care and equipment and he is only three years old.

A specialist recommended to the Elgin, Illinois parents of an autisitic child that they pursue intensive therapy for their twin son. When insurance coverage was denied, the family had no choice but to fund the over $1200 per month fees out of their own pocket.

Sadly, these are not isolated cases; and as insurance carriers tighten benefit coverage, more and more multiple birth families will be affected.

The Illinois Organization of Mothers of Twins Club, Inc. created the Special Needs Assistance Fund, or S.N.A.F., to help multiple birth families with a special needs or chronically-ill child.

S.N.AF. provides financial assistance to Illinois families, regardless of club affiliation, when no other funding source for health care needs is available.

The S.N.A.F. application process includes documentation of denial of benefits as well as proof of the need for the service or product. A confidential review and selection process by IOMOTC members chosen for their professional and personal expertise occurs quarterly. Payment on behalf of qualifiying families is made directly to the health care provider or vendor to assure correct application of S.N.A.F. funds.

Contributions to S.N.A.F. and IOMOTC are deductible for income, estate, and gift tax purposes. IOMOTC is a qualifying non-profit 50l(c)3 corporation also eligible for company matching funds. To make a financial contribution to help parents of twins and higher order multiples who have a child who is physically and/or mentally challenged or who is chronically ill, or to request information about how a family can qualify for S.N.A.F., please contact the S.N.A.F. Chairman:

S.N.A.F. - A Project of IOMOTC
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Last updated on November 21, 2006
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