Volume 4 Issue 3

The Unknown God by Brian Price

I recently received some disturbing news from an acquaintance of mine. He informed me that he had decided to question the existence of God and begin trusting in himself. Unfortunately this has been the decision of entirely too many people. (If it were just one it would be too many) Granted this individual never was the most devout of religious people, but never did I imagine that he would question the very existence of God. Within man there is a desire to believe in something. That desire stems from the nature of his CREATION and NOT his so called “Evolution.” Sadly, rather than believe in the creator who “made mankind in his own image,” (Genesis 1:27) people have turned to themselves for the answers to life’s challenges and questions.

Our society is not the only one where there are many who do not know Jehovah God. In fact that problem has been part of man’s existence for some time. The Athenians in Acts 17 are a perfect example. Although they were a “religious” people, they failed to know the one true God. Paul in verse 23 of that passage states that he would declare unto them the “Unknown God.” It is important, as we can see from this example, to share with others the knowledge of Jehovah. It is one thing for a people to be willfully ignorant of who God is, it is another thing when I fail to do my part to share that knowledge with them. Paul could have decided to walk away from that place in amazement that there would be anyone who didn’t know God. Yet he saw a need to share that knowledge with them. In verse 30 Paul teaches that God had been patient with man in his denial of God’s existence. Paul declares that time is over. It was time for men to repent and start living as God would have them to or reap the consequences of their actions.

The question for us is, do I know God? Not just do I believe he exists but do I truly know him. He is declared unto us through the pages of his Word. Do we trust in him as he deserves to be trusted. In Acts 17:27 we are encouraged to seek after him. We are also taught that he is not far from any of us if we are willing to look into the Scriptures where he reveals himself unto us. As we stated in the opening of this article, many have turned to themselves for the answer. Why would we want to trust in fallible and error ridden man, when we can trust in a perfect God who cares for us. Do I know Jehovah God? Have I shared that knowledge with others? Is he known in my home, in my school, in my work place? He can be known in all of those places, if he is known in me.