Volume 4 Issue 1

Refocussing On Our Mission by Scott Thornhill

Do you know what happens to a University when it becomes preoccupied with something other than its main goal? For example, focusing primarily upon athletics rather than education. Do you know what happens to a company that becomes so involved with internal issues rather than the primary goal, serving the customer? We all realize that when an institution or an organization loses its focus of the primary mission it fails. I am impressed that Christ never lost sight of His fundamental objective," seeking and saving the lost." Luke 19 shows the contrast between Christ's objective and the Pharisees short sighted concern of maintaining the status quo. Have local churches lost sight of this objective?

Forty to fifty years ago many congregations sprang up across this country. Each congregation set certain goals for growth and many of those goals were met. My fear today is that these congregations have become complacent toward their main objective and as a result many of them have in essence shifted into a maintenance mode. Someone compiled the following statistics:

**The average church member has been a Christian for 20 years **They have heard 4,000 sermons **Sung 20,000 songs **Participated in 8,000 prayers ** And the average member had converted no one.

I wonder how close Christians today are to those averages? Have local churches simply focused on maintaining what they have? Some rationalize the maintenance mode mentality because of what they see as issues which could disturb local churches. As a result, there are divisions, debating's and fighting's over these issues. Many believe those actions to be necessary in order to "trim the fat." My fear is that we are also killing the sheep!!

It is important for Christians to know their identity and to understand what sets them apart from others, but it is of utmost importance that they understand a local church's common mission. Many local churches have become less and less "soul saving groups" and more and more of "worship societies." The primary focus of many local groups is to get together and solely hold a worship service. Understand, the New Testament plan is that Christians assemble together to worship and do the things that God has commanded in a collective sense. But that is not the primary mission of local churches. It is so easy to shift into a maintenance mode and out of the mission mode. It is easy to become consumed with the group's internal needs rather than seeking and saving the lost. Each congregation needs to frequently ask, what is the mission and objective of this group?

About one year ago, a local church in this area held a one week debate on one of the "hot" issues of the day. Many Christians, including many preachers, came from hundreds of miles away to participate in the debate. I wonder what would happen if that same local church held a one week evangelism crusade where Christians would go door to door and try to teach people about Christ, how much interest would that peak among that same group of people. Many are more interested in holding debates on trivial issues rather teaching "Christ and Him crucified". In addition, most Christians are content with holding a worship assembly and then going home thinking they have been evangelistic. Christ never intended Christianity to be "church building centered." Rather, Christianity is serving Him and taking His message to the world. The lost need to hear about Christ.

Satan has used many different tactics in order to stop the spread of Christianity. In the first and second centuries, Satan physically persecuted churches. Today, Satan's tactics have changed. He has been very effective in lulling us to sleep through apathy and indifference. The greatest problem facing local churches today is not the trivial issues we like to debate, but laziness and indifference within. Teaching the lost about Christ does not seem to be a priority anymore. Are you in the maintenance mode or the mission mode? What about the lost? Do not lose sight of your task to tell the world about what you have found in Jesus Christ!!