Please note: All of the text on this page came from another web site that I visited some months ago. Unfortunately I did not bookmark it, and consequently have no idea how to find it again. The content is of exceptional inspiritional quality. Many thanks to whomever put it to-gether.
By thought alone, by pure intention and feeling does creation cast its pattern onto the etheric life web which holds space together. And here in that tiny web of refined subatomic structures does infinity coax a finite reality into form. New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity
The great goal of matter is transformation, systematic passage from unconsciousness to consciousness, from consciousness to self-consciousness, a cosmic change of state. All that exists is matter becoming spirit. The world is under construction. The birth of a spiritual reality formed by souls and the matter they draw after them . Human Energy
The goal of the evolutionary universes is the subjugation of energy-matter by mind, the coordination of mind with spirit, and all of this by virtue of the creative and unifying presence of personality. Thus in relation to personality, do physical systems become subordinate; mind systems coordinate; and spirit systems directive. The Urantia Book
Like frost drawing individualized ice crystals from the air, the materializing influence draws crystallizations of basic molecular structure from the omnipresent energy currents of eternal love. Starseed, the Third Millennium
We are not only set adrift and carried away in the current of life by the material surface of our being, but, like a subtle fluid, space-time first drowns our bodies then penetrates our soul, it fills it and impregnates it, it blends itself with the soul's potentialities to such and extent that soon the soul no longer knows how to distinguish space-time from its own thoughts. Phenomenon of Man
Loving God and loving man, all may enter into unity. The evolution of spirit through the material is the work of creation.
The visible world is full of wonderful possibilities, though yet imperfect, illusionary and shadowy only because man has not reached the crown of being. As man evolves, the whole material plane is lifted into a higher condition. The seasons depend on God in man, and are according to the inner mind. Christ in You
When you are engulfed in the life of physical and material things, a dark curtain hangs between you and heavenly scenes, heavenly visitors; If you will make the effort to turn away from dark and negative things and look to divine love, and to the company of the shining ones who come very close to you, of your own free will , will you draw aside the veil and there will be no darkness between you and them. The Still Voice
The Supreme is the divine channel through which flows the creative infinity of the triodities that crystallizes into the galactic panorama of space against which takes place the personality drama of time: conquest of energy-matter through the mediation of mind. The Urantia Book
All physical manifestations of energy must now derive their being from me and I am in control of all of them. Anything which does not recognize me and will not provide, through the power of its life and its demonstration, channels for my energy to flow through, cannot derive energy from me. Any such being or thing therefore finds itself cut off from all source of sustenance, except that which is of its own Divine nature. This means that the old no longer has growing or magnetic power and must simply begin to disintegrate. From my standpoint it is already dead; it has changed its form and no longer exists. I am all that exists and I reveal to man, that he may lift his consciousness and see the reality of this. I am in control of all sources of energy from which you ultimately derive your physical existence. Any physical form that cannot draw upon me will simply run down. It will move into greater states of confusion, of chaos, of destruction in the sense of disintegration.
The wisdom of the soul, as it begins to assume command, knows every step that must be taken to transmute your physical body into quickened, refined substance. The Door of Everything
The most prestigious event, perhaps ever recorded by history since the threshold of reflection has been taking place in our minds: the definitive access of consciousness to a scale of new dimension, and in consequence the birth of an entirely renewed universe by simple transformation of its intimate substance. The Phenomenon of Man
You are destined for great happiness, for great fulfillment. You are destined for more than you could have believed possible. You have but to acquiesce to the dreams and desires of Spirit, of your higher Self, and to allow that to work through you and to transform you.
We are spiritualizing your physical bodies in this ascension process. In order to do this, it is necessary for you to allow Spirit to enter you completely ... to re-spatialize your atoms and molecules; to purify you of old, outmoded patterns.
Ultimately it is the energy of the Creator flowing through your higher Self and through your bodies that will do the work and complete the process, and lift you into the ascended state. Your goal is simply to surrender to this with sincerity, humility, and trust. The Inner Door Volume Two
Through your lifetime the combined Spirit ever ministers to assist you in subjecting the
flesh more and more to the leading of the Spirit. Even though you must live your
material life through and cannot escape the body and its necessities, in purpose and
ideals you are empowered increasingly to subject the animal nature to the mastery of
the Spirit. There truly exists within you a conspiracy of spiritual forces, a
confederation of divine powers, whose exclusive purpose is to effect your final
deliverance from material bondage and finite handicaps.
The Urantia Book
A glow ripples outward from the first spark of conscious reflection. The point of ignition grows larger. The fire spreads in ever widening circles till finally the whole planet is covered in incandescence.
The very act by which the fine edge of our minds penetrates the absolute is a phenomenon of emergence...extended to the whole inorganic and organic volume of matter, evolution is now gaining on the psychic zones of the world and transferring to the spiritual constructs of life.
This great organism lives only because of, and for the sake of, a new soul. Beneath a change of age lies a change of thought. Where are we to look for it? Where are we to situate this renovating and subtle alteration, while, without appreciably changing our bodies, has made new creatures of us? In one place, and one place only ... in a new intuition involving a total change in the physiognomy of the universe ... in other words, in an awakening.
Convergent movement will attain such intensity and such gravity that taken as a whole, mankind will be forced to reflect upon itself at a single point, to abandon its organ-planetary foothold so as to shift its center on the transcendent center of its increasing concentration. This will be the end and the fulfillment of the spirit of the earth. Pierre Telhard du Chardin, The Phenomenon of Man
The coming age will be a time of incredible blessing, restored ecological balance, international cooperation, and universal harmony. Planetary resources will be realistically understood and properly utilized. Humanity will be at peace. All life-forms will work together in harmony, cultivating the full potential of the planet. It will be an age of revelation during which the mind and plans of the Creator will be made clear for all to see. It will be the age when the final stage of incarnation becomes fully manifest in form. When Spirit, working through a fully awakened and responsible humanity constructs itself a mobile physical body. The Starseed Transmissions
Soon the human family will realize what is happening. No longer functioning as five billion isolated individuals, but arising as a Single Being, soon, very soon, a Holy and Integrated Child of Eternity will take charge of its own destiny. Vision
A chain reaction in human understanding resulting in planetary awakening could theoretically occur at any time. On the eve of this great metahistorical event, the current of universal attention is flowing so powerfully toward this imminent awakening that it resembles a river approaching floodtide.
The field of collective human consciousness is now entering the final stage of the awakening process, congealing into awareness of itself as the organ of consciousness of a single planetary being.
When you understand the nature of your essential being in metapersonal terms, you know your human body as a cell in a developing planetary organism. And you recognize in that organism the signature of your own spirit identity. Starseed, The Third Millennium
...this [spiritual] brotherhood is destined to become a living organism... The Urantia Book
The wisdom of the soul, as it begins to assume command, knows every step that must be taken to transmute your physical body into quickened, refined substance. The Door of Everything
The most prestigious event, perhaps ever recorded by history since the threshold of reflection has been taking place in our minds: the definitive access of consciousness to a scale of new dimension, and in consequence the birth of an entirely renewed universe by simple transformation of its intimate substance. The Phenomenon of Man
You are destined for great happiness, for great fulfillment. You are destined for more than you could have believed possible. You have but to acquiesce to the dreams and desires of Spirit, of your higher Self, and to allow that to work through you and to transform you.
We are spiritualizing your physical bodies in this ascension process. In order to do this, it is necessary for you to allow Spirit to enter you completely ... to re-spatialize your atoms and molecules; to purify you of old, outmoded patterns.
Ultimately it is the energy of the Creator flowing through your higher Self and through your bodies that will do the work and complete the process, and lift you into the ascended state. Your goal is simply to surrender to this with sincerity, humility, and trust. The Inner Door Volume Two
Through your lifetime the combined Spirit ever ministers to assist you in subjecting the flesh more and more to the leading of the Spirit. Even though you must live your material life through and cannot escape the body and its necessities, in purpose and ideals you are empowered increasingly to subject the animal nature to the mastery of the Spirit. There truly exists within you a conspiracy of spiritual forces, a confederation of divine powers, whose exclusive purpose is to effect your final deliverance from material bondage and finite handicaps.
The Urantia Book
You are the Presence of God. God is present on earth because of you. Once you are able to open up completely to this truth, it will become the overriding reality of your in-formed experience. The Starseed Transmissions
The truth is relative and expanding; it lives always in the present, achieving expression in each generation of man ... even in each human life.
Living truth is dynamic and can enjoy only an experiential existence in the human mind.
Truth is a spiritual reality value experienced only by spirit-endowed beings who function upon supermaterial levels of universe consciousness, and who, after realization of the truth, permit its spirit of activation to live and reign within their souls.
Truth cannot be defined by words, only by living. Truth is always more than knowledge. Knowledge pertains to things observed, but truth transcends such purely material levels in that it consorts with wisdom and embraces such imponderables as human experience and living realities. Knowledge originates in science; wisdom in true philosophy; truth in the religious experience of spiritual living. Knowledge deals with facts; wisdom, with relationships; truth, with reality values.
Truth is living; the Spirit of Truth is ever leading the children of light into new realms of spiritual reality and divine service. You are not given truth to crystallize into settled , safe, and honored forms. Your revelation of truth must be so enhanced by passing through your personal experience that new beauty and actual spiritual gains will be disclosed to all who behold your spiritual fruits. The Urantia Book
To reflect the truth, the heart must be tranquil, serene, and still. The Still Voice
Truly, words cannot express ... never have been able to express, never will be ... the truth, the reality that exists within each one of you, within each atom of creation. The power and majesty of the light of Source, of the Creator, exists in every atom of creation. You as human beings, as human tuning forks resonate with this frequency, this powerful message of love that is flowing through ... direct from Source, all the way into the third dimensional Earth experience.
Truth cannot be spoken. All that can be spoken are reflections of the truth, reflections of that light. The perfect expressions of truth can be felt in the heart and with the inner senses. Your discrimination will be enhanced through going within and activating the inner senses. Trust your feeling. Jewels on the Path
What you struggle to retain is not the truth. The truth is always with you. Some of the truth you feel and recognize. Some may be hidden from your eyes, to be revealed another day, another hour, when it is needed and not before. The truth that is portrayed in the words of human language is an external symbol of the truth that lives within you. It is an artifact, a key, designed to open the passageway that connects you with the Living Truth. The words that trigger comprehension are no longer important once comprehension is accessed.
Do not short circuit your life energy by trying to work on, change, or improve your grasp of the truth. Begin trusting in the truth I have created in you, the truth that you yourself are.
Look for the truth behind every ritual, every culture, every ceremony, every celebration you encounter. Enjoy the rich diversity of truth's multiple expressions. Starseed, The Third Millenium
Sacred writings can lead people to my Spirit, but it is my Spirit working through people that will change the world. I now send you as agents of my inspiration.
Awaken my human ones. Know me in my Spirit. I am a gentle Creator. I desire no fanfare ... I would rather slip up beside you as you work in the garden, or look in your eyes and smile as I give you your change... See me in everyone you meet, whether they recognize my Presence or whether they yet sleep. For I am there, eternally behind every pair of eyes... entering the lives of those who love more fully. Vision
...humankind's extreme overidentification with form requires such an awakening to be gradual. You do not want to dissolve their individual distinctions in a single burst as they realize their essential unity with you and a singular field of common awareness. For such a sudden change in self-understanding could dissolve their individual body fields. And your goal not to end individuality but to inhabit it. Starseed, The Third Millenium
The spirits of God secure the cooperation of egos with whom they commune on earth. Slowly and steadily they proceed with the process of bonding with their egos, no longer just speaking to them, but flowering into perfect union, waking up within them as the beings they themselves are. Return of the Bird Tribes
It will be the awakening from shadow to substance, from confusion to order, from weakness to power, but above all else, to the wholeness or unity of life. Christ in You
With a magnificent burst of light let us leave the limitations of earth's density and ride into the rainbow streams of color to brighten your soul. Listen to the soothing celestial refrains, refreshing your memory, joyously recalling who you are. Starseeds come forth; the long sleep ends.
May celestial rhapsodies accompany your innocent dreams and meditations during this night of your long sleep, until you awaken in a dawning of reunited hearts and minds...until you awaken into the unsullied purity of peace. New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity
Your intention will attract the teachings you can best utilize to reach your goals. One teaching may serve you for a time, then it will be time to discard it and go more directly. Ultimately you will leave all teachings behind and have only your relationship with Spirit.
Jewels on the Path
To you who place your trust in the gentle wisdom that, behind all cultural conditioning, continues even now to provide the current of your awareness, to you who trust yourselves, history's deities are transformed into agents of excellence.
To access the deep intuitive wisdom of the life force... one must simply trust and observe the results.
As you allow your life to be guided by the currents of indigenous wisdom flowing instictually from within, you find yourself immersed in the animating emanations of the universe. Upon the frequencies of eternal love you rediscover your purpose. You discover that you have access to an ocean of living information. Your access code is a child's trust.
Those who receive their impressions with the openness of a child feel an eternal consciousness seeping slowly between their thoughts. As their interest in the superficial chatter of ego wanes, their attention turns to matters of relevance. They experience a cycle of blending during which they learn to sustain their awareness in the eternal awareness that is growing steadily in the thought fields around the earth. Starseed, The Third Millenium
Accept every experience with equanimity and surrender. And trust, always trust. No matter what experience comes your way, it is highest wisdom for you in that moment. Don't try to escape from earthly reality in the spiritual experience. Bring the spiritual experience to bear. Surround your earthly life with that grace. Jewels on the Path
Be steadfast with a quiet, inner, peaceful, and persistent knowing that the Great Architect of the Universe holds the plan of your life in His hands. The Still Voice
The faith of Jesus attained the purity of a child's trust. His faith was so absolute and undoubting that it responded to the contact with fellow human beings and to the wonders of the universe. His sense of dependence on the divine was so complete and so confident that it yielded the joy and the assurance of absolute personal security.
The Urantia Book
In the evolutionary universes eternity is temporal everlastingness --- the everlasting now. The Urantia Book
Everything that you need exists in the present moment, and this moment is all that exists. In its brief flicker you will find all the time in the world. Through it you will contact the Living Information that will guide you with infallible direction. This present moment is the stargate through which you will leave the prison of human definition and expand into an awareness of divine perception. It is the crack between the worlds, not only the worlds of past and future, but worlds of time and space, spirit and matter, form and being.
You are where your attention takes you. In fact, you are your attention. If your attention is fragmented, you are fragmented. When your attention is in the past, you are in the past. When your attention is in the present moment, you are in the Presence of God and God is present in you. Let yourself die to what really does not exist and discover what does.
The question is not how much of the Presence of God you can bring into your life, but how much of your life you can bring into the present. The Presence of God is everywhere, you have only consciously to embrace it with your attention. The Starseed Transmissions
In any moment when your attention is fully present, when all tension is released, my intelligence will inspire, from within the very essence of your spirit, from inside every cell, every molecule, every atom of your body, I will reveal all you need to know to stay healthy, happy, and in love. Vision
When you relax and release your biology to flow in the uninhibited rhythmic currents of the love that animates all creation, your life force naturally organizes the data that flows through your center of observation. Masterfully, impeccably it brings into your momentary awareness what is most important to your soul.
There is no place where the Presence of God is not, only people who are not fully present where they are. Starseed, The Third Millenium
It is as simple as following your intuition, following your guidance, acting out of faith rather than fear. It's a journey, and its meaning and direction can only be experienced from moment to moment. Inner Door Volume One
You are here in this moment to bring mastery into full manifestation, to realize your oneness in each behooves you each to learn the essential, unchanging secret of life in this moment.
We encourage you to come more fully into this moment, for this moment is all that truly exists. It is a spontaneous creation. It is being created in each moment. It is not a static situation that you can take for granted. And in that moment is where you find your hidden code, your Higher-Self, your God-presence within you. It is something to let go to. It is something to simply allow.
Jewels on the Path
At the interface between my eternal unity and the Creator's diversity, I have created human beings to be the BRIDGE, the CONNECTING LINK between my universality and my universe, between myself and creation.
I have created each human body, mind, and heart as a temple in which my Life, my Truth, and my Love might find a home on Earth. Vision
You are God's consciousness, God's means of perception in these realms. Inside the being of God, you are the way eternity feels this world.
You are the sea of eternal awareness lapping on the shores of time. You are the way universal energies interface with a geographical world. You are the Being of Light touching a temporal domain, interpreting a matter world through the filter of humanity.
This is the human role: to dress the conceptions of eternity in the clothing of time. Starseed, The Third Millenium
You are the way God becomes human, the way that God tends the garden. You are the way God interacts with the universe of creation. This world is your unfoldment. You have created it that as this human family you might come to enjoy time through the substance of biology. Return of the Bird Tribes
Fed by spirit, a finer element has become ruler over the grosser, and the spirit of the living God breathes through the outer body of flesh.
The Christ became one with God while one with man ... only by entering the universal would he become the true individual in us all, the You, the I AM of our life. Christ in You
The struggling and valiant human Jesus, by the valor of his personal religious faith and the heroism of his indwelling Adjuster, ascended from the lowly levels of humanity to become one with divinity, thus becoming the new and living way whereby all mortals may ascend from humanity to divinity. The Urantia Book
Love balances all. Love is the essential stuff of creation. Love looks like light. What it feels like is only known experientially. What it is, perhaps, is the heart and soul of the Creator, who exists in all dimensions, in all particles of existence, and in the space between the particles. This love energy of the Creator manifests itself multidimensionally in many worlds, in many species and creations. It manifests itself uniquely in each individual being with consciousness. That's where you come in. You could say that creation is nothing more than an attempt by Source, by the Creator, to know itself. And the purpose is experience. Through all of your senses the Creator witnesses creation.
Jewels on the Path
Your planet is in much need of peace and love, and you have within you what it takes to harmonize and create peace in your world by creating peace in your life, in your heart. Inner Door Volume 2
All humans are Spirit only visiting this world. All Spirits are Forever Beings. All encounters with other people are experiences and all experiences are forever connections. Real People close the circle of each experience. We do not leave ends frayed as Mutants do. If you walk away with bad feelings in your heart for another person and that circle is not closed, it will be repeated later in your life. You will not suffer once but over and over until you learn. It is good to observe, to learn and become wiser from what has happened. It is good to give thanks, as you say to bless it, and walk away in peace. Mutant Message
Quiet the turbulence of your heart and you will be transformed into a state of perfect peace. When you learn touch this peacefulness, going back to it in meditation every time you have a chance, gradually it will become part of the surface mind. As more and more it is released from the deep well of your soul, you will reach the high level of consciousness where nothing can ruffle the serenity of your being. The Door of Everything
Peace can only be understood and realized within the heart. It lies beneath all the turmoil and clamor of the world, beneath the feeling, beneath the thought. It is found in the deep. Deep silence and stillness of the soul. It is Spirit: it is God. The Quiet Mind
One of the most amazing earmarks of religious living is that dynamic and sublime peace, that peace which passes all human understanding, that cosmic poise which betokens the absence of all turmoil and doubt. Such levels of spiritual stability are immune to disappointment.
Peace in this life, survival in death, perfection in the next life, service in eternity - all these are achieved (in the spirit) now when the creature personality consents - chooses to subject the creature will to the Father's will. And already has the Father chosen to make a fragment of himself subject to the will of the creature personality.
The Urantia Book
Meditation forges the new tools of communication, where the God-power within is called forth. This journey into a new time and new spiritual experience requires discipline, the test of your soul to demonstrate peace and love in thought and action. New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity
Your sacred seed, your spark of life, awaits only the cooperation of your totally still heart center. When you have extended this cooperation, the sacred seed will begin to grow, to fulfill its cosmic pattern as the human hull falls away and allows the holy metamorphosis to be completed. The Door of Everything
You are the mechanism that the Lord has designed to implement His will in the realm of form. In the stillness of your innermost being, contact Him. Gain His clarity, purpose, and direction.
With stillness in your mind and silence in your heart, enter into the presence of true identity, where there is neither guilt nor shame, nor blame, but only the loving expression of truth. Breathe deeply and identify with the breath of life that animates your body and gazes out of your eyes.
Listen for the whisper in your heart. You will hear it when your thoughts are still. Focus upon it until it fills your being and becomes the motivational energy behind all your actions.
If you silence your thoughts and attune to your inner signals, you will begin to expand into my conceptions, into a new interpretation of reality. Find the doorway to this reality through your heart. Enter and be still. FInd out what manner of being you are. The Starseed Transmissions
Join me in the sacred space of one hour, and let us negate fear, absorbing it into our love, into what I AM, into what you are, into the peace of Eternal Being.
I enter where I am invited. I enter the consciousness of all who pray.
Be with me now. Let your heart be still. Let all within the field of your awareness drift gently to a state of rest. Take time for me and I will give you a new time. Let yourself rest in Eternal Being. Know the peace and security of your Creator's Presence. Sustain yourself in a restful state, trusting while I flow refreshing through your circuitry, soothing you with grace, illuminating your understanding. To consciousness I call you, to a time of birth and awakening. I call you home, where you and I are One. Vision
Let your mind relax in love and openness until it becomes an alter upon which the Creator's consciousness descends. Starseed, The Third Millenium
Meditation is how you will create a space between your limited ego-self and your deeper expression.
When you focus on your breathing, you are telling your spirit that it is in control, and you are surrendering your life to Spirit in a practical way. You are allowing a space within yourself for that peace and stillness, for that guidance to come through. The Inner Door Volume Two
These physical bodies are just the shells of your being. They are just a small part of what you are. The Creator and his agents call you every day and in every way to go within to inner space, to take the journey that will empower you and enlighten you.
Creating a space in your life for Spirit to come through, where there is no distraction, where you are offering yourself to be taken into the highest possible experience you can achieve in that moment, that is meditation.
You can let go, knowing that your sustenance and your path is within you, always, and never leaves. You have only to relax and breathe and allow your Spirit to flood your being. You have only to sit and focus on the inner light to know that you are of that essence and that, indeed, home is wherever you are. Jewels on the Path
Through meditation and contemplation the outer layers of the mind and emotion are gradually laid aside and man rests in the innermost place of stillness where the jewel of truth lies.
When man can consciously contact the true Source of his being, the true Source of his life, power flows into him, harmony enters into his life. The Still Voice
Be content to know that God is in the midst, and learn the secret of dwelling in the friendly darkness, that your roots may go deep down; for during the time of hiddenness a great work is going on. The soul that seeks nourishment from the true Self becomes strong. Seek the silence, love all men, bless all, thus do you make right conditions for growth. Unknown to you, there are outer conditions arranging themselves in harmony with the hidden world.
Christ in You
You are both a child of God and a child of Matter. You cannot serve two masters. What you bind in consciousness will be bound in Matter, and what you bind in Matter will be bound in consciousness. You are the creator at this time in your own reality. The Starseed Transmissions
Make a home for eternal spirit in your heart. The process of relaxing all thoughts that create tension is a process of relaxing habits of the past and awakening to the reality of your own spiritual presence. It is a process of losing interest in fearful ways of walking upon this earth and choosing to create your world in love through the action of your open heart. Return of the Bird Tribes
You live in a world of matter where events happen through your own past and present volition. Therefore, by your free will look to see what you would have. If you don't like the present chain of events, then it is you who must change them. New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity
You as an individual must assume responsibility for that which you create in your life, at every level of your experience.
It is your challenge now to learn to master your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions to the point where you are creating only the most beneficial manifestations. The Inner Door
At every level of your existence you are meant to be fulfilled, expressing the joy of life. Truly, joy is the essence of life. You could say problems come in because you tend to create knots in the flow of life. You tend to buy into many limiting beliefs, old outmoded patterns of belief and behavior. Yet here, on this planet of fallen angels, is an excellent opportunity to learn mastery.
The God-presence within you, is like a clear white light projecting into the world of form through the colored lenses and patterns of your beliefs. What you see on the screen of manifestation are the projections and creations of your beliefs.
Through your spiritual practice you polish the lens that focuses the light that co-creates your experience. And as it is polished, the light can come through more and more purely, more and more in alignment with the divine pattern that already exists. Jewels on the Path
We are not able to tell you of the future events, but we can indicate their trend, for each individual makes the future by the thoughts and acts of the present. You are today the results of your past.
Every condition of mind brings about an outward manifestation even on the sense plane, and the separate self has power over its environment. Thus you think, you act, you become. Man is constantly clothing himself with his thoughts.
Christ in You
Like attracts like. This is the law of the universe. As you raise your energies through meditation and sharing, you will reach higher realms of soul communication to form a communication link contacting goodness wherever it resides. New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity
When you place two guitars in front of one another, and strike the string of one; the other will begin to vibrate at that pitch. And so it is with you: as you resonate with frequencies of light and love, the heart strings of all humanity are feeling this and are beginning to awaken. Jewels on the Path
The thoughtforms you transmit directly affect all the fields around you. So, if you are thinking fearful thoughts, you are transmitting that you expect something bad to happen ... the universe is very accommodating and will rearrange itself to deliver. You have literally changed the energy fields around you by transmitting fear based thoughtforms into them. Others will pick up on your fearful thoughtforms, usually unknowingly, and see you as a "victim waiting to happen". You are literally inviting them to reinforce your victim mentality, and they may oblige. Alternately, if you see yourself as divinely protected, someone looking for a victim will not notice you because the two of you do not resonate. But you will be noticed by others who resonate to your field. That's how you create your own reality. It's all done by resonance which is impartial to "good" and "bad" energy alike. An Ascension Handbook
The earth is entering a new field of consciousness that is bringing it back into resonance with primal rhythms of creations. The consciousness is rooted not in the historical human understanding of God but in an intelligence that resides within the very animating current of the universe. It is rooted in the informational reality of a universal Presence whose awareness and memory is awakening inside human time, helping people to understand the greater context in which they move.
Starseed, The Third Millenium
Education is the spiritual connection with truth from the highest source and its consequent flow through each soul's communication system down to its earth personality for implementation...The true purpose of education is a spiritual process of unfoldment in which each person and the whole humanity gain. New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity
You who are the parents of this new generation, listen to what this season's children have to say. They do not reject you or the principles that have guided your lives. But they know they must do what you have not yet done. Their destiny is to complete the achievement begun. Be gentle with them, these literal flowers of your love. Do not crush them beneath the ceilings of windowless schools that bury them in facts that they cannot understand without the natural light of spirit. Let them move beyond the established corridors of historical ways, into the sunlight of and open air of new meaning and new experience.
Give your children the tools of your culture as you would give paint and canvas to an artist. But do not tell them what to draw. Help them learn to express themselves in terms meaningful to them and to those in the world around them. Offer them skills to help express themselves more fully. The self this generation expresses in uninhibited creativity is the Great Self, which seeks birth into your world.
The preservation of a child's native esteem is far more important than the acquisition of technical skills. Many of these little ones have not forgotten the Great Being who shines through the filter of their individuality. Your role is to help them grow in such a way that they do not forget. Assist in the incarnation of the eternal spirits who dance above their lives. Starseed, The Third Millenium
It is the purpose of education to develop and sharpen the innate endowments of the human mind; of civilization to express them; of life experience to realize them; of religion to ennoble them; of personality to unify them.
The purpose of education should be acquirement of skill, pursuit of wisdom, realization of selfhood, and attainment of spiritual values. Education is the business of living; it must continue throughout a lifetime so that mankind may gradually experience the ascending levels of mortal wisdom, which are:
Progress through an established educational regime does not necessarily mean intellectual progress, much less spiritual growth. Enlargement of vocabulary does not signify development of character. Growth is not truly indicated by mere products but rather by progress. Real educational growth is indicated by enhancement of values, new meanings of values, and augmented value to supreme values.
Education could help in this great spiritual renaissance if it would pay more attention to the work of teaching youth how to engage in life planning and character progression. The purpose of education should be to foster and further the supreme purpose of life, the development of a majestic and well-balanced personality. There is great need for the teaching of moral discipline in the place of so much self-gratification. The Urantia Book
Sri Yukteswar, like many another sage, grieved at the trend of modern education. Few schools expound the spiritual laws for happiness or stress that wisdom consists in guiding one's life in awe of one's Maker. An educational system that does not present Spirit as the central Fact of man's existence is offering false knowledge.
Autobiography of a Yogi
Do not focus on the world that is polarizing toward selfishness and fear. Do not pay attention to the old that is crumbling around you. What has been shall be no more. Let the dead bury the dead and concentrate solely on the building the new...Spread the light to all you meet... your influence will accelerate the entrance of the new.
There is a new vibrational pattern descending upon your planet. Those who tune into the new frequencies will find life growing more wondrous every day. Those who tune into fear will find things falling apart. Two worlds of consciousness will begin to form ever more distinctly: the world of Love and Life, and the world of fear and death... as the century draws to a close, the polarization will continue to intensify.
The time of separation has come. There are but two roads before you. You can walk in the innocence of those who trust in the Lord, or perish in the impending collapse of your rational systems. The choice, as it has always been, is yours. The Starseed Transmissions
As the twentieth century draws to a close, those who are at peace within themselves will find their lives increasingly aligned with the strengthening field of my Presence. Those who fear will come under increasing pressure to confront their dishonesty and change. The fearful will not have an easy time in these days; for they will be withdrawing from my Spirit, thereby forcing themselves into crisis situations designed to stimulate a change of heart.
I come as the Spirit of Truth to comfort those who live by love, to challenge those who do not. Vision
The noosphere will, when it reaches its point of unification, split into two zones, each attracted to an opposite pole of adoration. Universal love would vivify and detach a fraction of the noosphere so as to comsumate it ... to "cross the threshold". The Phenomenon of Man
This is a spiritual showdown, a time of separating those who love God from those who do not. New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity
My power has been liberated and all now move swiftly toward their appointed destinies as their consciousnesses have chosen. Your world shall become two worlds. You will call one light and one dark, but I am in both of them. Be not concerned about my ministry for those whom my revelation cannot touch. Be only concerned with what I am in the new and in the now. Your world cannot be touched. Their world is under their law and shall disappear. Shall I forsake those who who even now drift apart into a destiny of their own, in a world of their further fulfillment? I am their shepherd as well and not one sheep shall stray except I go after it. But I must see my other sheep home, for it is their destiny and I cannot wait. So I am with you and I am with them. Not one man, not one creature goes apart from me. Be not concerned or sorrowful. Whatever befalls the old world, I am there and I am Life and I am Beauty and I am Joy and I am Perfection. Heed not the voices that speak to the old but know that I am within you. Let men not speculate to which world they belong. Their lives decide this. Their actions decide this. What are they creating as they move amongst me, as I am within all things, within humans, within nature? That will decide to what world they belong. Increasingly, the worlds will move apart in consciousness until they are absolutely separate and perceive each other no more. This is the separation of the two worlds; first in consciousness, secondly in energy, ultimately in form, it is the separation of those who cleave to God in the new revelation and new maturity and those who remain in the household of their Father, yet do so in rebellion. Creative man, blending in love and truth with his environment to build the new heaven and the new earth receives his just wages which are limitless in their abundance of life, of joy and unfoldment of all God's blessings. Those who cannot accept the responsibilities which it demands only receive that allowance given to them that they may survive, that they may grow, until one day they too will enter the real world and leave their illusion behind.
Faith is a plunge into the unknown with an open mind, in the certain knowledge that it's all right to let go. You cannot find faith through belief, but only through the simplicity of faith. The only course is faith, an open mind, and an open heart. An Ascension Handbook
Faith is a distinct vibration that radiates outward from you, and acts in much the same way as a magnet to attract the forces of Spirit and focus them in your direction. Faith that you can be One with me is the very magnetism which will draw you through the Door of Everything and let you know me fully. The Door of Everything
Faith is beyond all factual knowledge. Faith is...a closeness to God, a voice in the heart that whispers "I'm here by your side. I supply every need. My ways are wisdom and love." The Still Voice
A state of mind attains to faith levels only when it dominates the mode of living.
Faith most willingly carries reason along as far as reason can go and then goes on with wisdom to the full philosophic limit; then it dares to launch out upon the limitless never-ending universe journey in the sole company of TRUTH.
It is a living experience concerned with spiritual meanings, divine ideals, and supreme values.
Truth can never be man's possession without the exercise of faith. And all such true faith is predicated on profound reflection, sincere self-criticism, and uncompromising moral consciousness. Faith acts to release the superhuman activities of the divine spark, the immortal germ, that lives within the mind of man, and which is the potential of eternal survival.
Mortal man earns his status as an ascension candidate by his own faith and hope.
In the very face of all the natural difficulties and temporal contradictions of mortal existence, Jesus experienced the tranquillity of supreme and unquestioned trust in God and felt the tremendous thrill of living by faith, in the very presence of the heavenly Father. And this triumphant faith was a living experience of actual spirit attainment.
Faith is the open door for entering into the present, perfect, and eternal love of God.
The Urantia Book
There is only one Spirit but no limit to the number of forms through which this Spirit can express. For the moment, these forms seem important, and they are insofar as their contribution to the whole is concerned, but as the years go by, the range of their differentiation will become of much less consequence to individuals who are sincerely offering their lives as channels through which the Spirit can work. As life is able to express through such individuals with increasing ease, individuals will begin to recognize each other as differentiations of the same Spirit...nerve endings of God in matter.
There is only one of us here in consciousness. It is you bubbling up in a billion different guises, surfacing to reawaken your unified awareness with a coating of humanity. The Starseed Transmissions
Soon the human family will realize what's happening. No longer functioning as five billion isolated individuals, but arising as a Single Being, soon, very soon, a Holy and Integrated Child of Eternity will take charge of its destiny. Vision
One being is the source of all creatures. The life of that Being shines through the multiple prisms of diverse worlds, refracting, reflecting, becoming the many, yet remaining ever one in essence, like the colors of the spectrum or the cells of the body. The distinction between you and this Being is not absolute but organic. Beneath your cultural images of self, that Being is who you are. Starseed, The Third Millenium
You are the channels through which the divine will and energy manifests its one self. To effect this you must become selfless and at one, for the Lord is one Lord and not many. Christ in You
We journey a straight path of Oneness. Mutants have many beliefs, they say your way is different from my way, your savior is different from my savior, your forever is not my forever. But the truth is all life is one life. There is only one game in progress. There is one race. Many different shades. Mutants argue the name of God. What building, what day, what ritual. Did he come to earth? What his stories mean? Truth is truth. If you hurt someone, you hurt self. Blood and bone is in all people. It's the heart and intent that is different. Mutants think about this one hundred years only, of self and separateness. Real People think about forever. It is all One, our ancestors, our unborn grandchildren, all of life everywhere.
Mutant Message
The race is unfolding and you are unfolding; and just as you yield to truth and love, so all are helped. Christ in You
Live always in the consciousness of a higher world, of light and beauty. In this way you help to quicken the vibrations of the whole planet.
While striving on the path, remember you work not for yourself alone; for your influence, your outer life, makes the world of men happier and better, and your inner life affects the thoughts and souls of many others. The Still Voice
Consciousness knows no limit; there is no barrier to it. Your consciousness does not stop with you. It extends into the depths of your being and into the heights of interstellar space. There is no limit; not one part of earth can eveolve but that all parts evolve. Revelation
It is a divine experience, a divine purification that is taking place. The work that you do upon yourselves, and the surrender you allow in your hearts, is not for you alone, it affects all.
As you lift your awareness and consciousness, it lifts that of the entire world and all the beings of that world. Jewels on the Path
Throughout the universe, every unit is regarded as a part of the whole. Survival of the part is dependent on cooperation with the plan and purpose of the whole, the wholehearted desire and perfect willingness to do the Father's divine will.
The good effort of each man benefits all men; the error or evil of each man augments the tribulation of all men. As moves the part so moves the whole. As progress of the whole, so progress of the part. The relative velocities of the part and the whole determine whether the part is retarded by the inertia or carried forward by the momentum of the cosmic brotherhood.
The Urantia Book
Wherever people are open to seeing things through the eyes of love, there I enter. To Bless. To heal. And to make all things new.
I am calling you into full humanity, into awakened conscious life in my presence. Come, honor the ways of love. Become my friend and partner in the healing of the Earth and the creation of a new world.
To the degree that human beings have shared my Vision, they have known life; as they have permitted the currents of my love to flow through their hearts, they have experienced Reality.
I illumine the understanding and enlighten the vision of all who love. Invite me into your heart. Let my Holy Spirit guide your decisions. Vision
The choice to function on love centered motivational frequencies is the only choice that brings freedom.
As you relax into the expression of love, the center of your self-understanding shifts from your individuality to your universality, from past to present, from ego to spirit.
Every individual who becomes a clear and undistorted channel for eternal love into these times offsets a thousand who remain locked in the dissolving values of the old. Starseed, The Third Millenium
Train yourself to think in terms of love every moment of life, and you will find that unconsciously and almost imperceptibly a beautiful healing will take place in your life.
Great love is enfolding you, as you are willing to be enfolded in this heart of love, it will hold you and give you inspiration to walk bravely on your allotted path; it will give you companionship, love, joy, and will in time reveal to you the glory of God's life. The Still Voice
Proclaim the truth of love most surely, but be the love as a model for those who cannot understand.
You must be willing to follow God's instructions. You must be able to model the highest form of love you can. Most of all you must truly adore God, love yourself as the heavenly realms love you, and then love all life as yourself. Be love. Model love. Become the Christ.
The invisible realms of love, truth, and light are reserved only for those who choose it and earn it. New Teachings for an Awakening Humanity
Live in the thought of love toward all, and your life will become an increasing always in the central life, dwelling on the plane of spirit, the only reality.
Love is the key to all knowledge, wisdom, and power. Dwell deep in this love, and you will see as God sees.
Christ in You
Only the spirit has the necessary energy, intelligence, and operational software to use the full capacity of the human mind. When the awareness of spirit fills the human mind , it is an instrument of unity, an instrument of harmony, an instrument of cooperation, creation, understanding. It becomes a transformational vortex, a channel through which universal awareness can flow into the material world. Starseed, The Third Millenium
The submerged mind is a sunken treasure chest, waiting for you to discover it and draw it to the surface. For the most part it lies neglected and untouched even though I have stored within it all my power, all my wisdom, all the truth in the cosmos, the record of existence, the force that quickens and perfects, the love that conquers all.
When you were told to let the same mind be in you which was also in Christ, you were not being told to try to develop this mind, or evolve it, or create it, but just to elevate it and let it express. The Door of Everything
Mind transmutes the values of spirit into the meaning of the intellect. Volition has the power to bring the meaning of mind to fruit in both the material and spiritual domains.
Mind alone can interassociate the physical forces and energies of the material level with the spiritual powers and being of the spirit level.
The mind is a personal-energy system existing around a divine spirit nucleus and functioning in a material environment. Such a loving relationship of personal-mind and spirit constitutes the universe potential of eternal personality.
Man experiences matter in his mind; he experiences spirit reality in his soul but consciousness of this experience is in his mind. The intellect is the harmonizer and the ever-present conditioner and qualifier of the sum total of mortal experience. Both energy-things and spirit values are colored by their interpretation through the mind-media of consciousness.
The Urantia Book
As this new awareness increasingly filters into everyday levels of human function, and as more and more individual human cells become aware of what is taking place, the change will accelerate exponentially. Eventually, the psychic pressure exerted by a critical mass of humanity will reach levels sufficient to tip the scales. At that moment, the rest of humanity will experience an instantaneous transformation of a proportion you cannot now conceive. The Starseed Transmissions
We open you to receive so that you can make a gentle and enjoyable transition into the next phase of life, the next phase of existence. Your participation in this process is the highest service you can perform for humanity. You are all familiar with the hundredth monkey theory? Well, we are looking for a few good monkeys! Not only to say that you are interested in God-realization and ultimately in ascension, but to put your beings, your hearts, your souls, your commitment in that
direction. And as the beings of this world, this physical life, make that transformation within, a critical mass is created: the critical mass which will change the planetary consciousness.
Jewels on the Path
The Japanese monkey, Macaca fuscata, had been observed in the wild for a period of over 30 years. In 1952, on the Island of Koshima, scientists were providing monkeys with sweet potatoes dropped in the sand. The monkeys liked the taste of the raw sweet potatoes, but found the dirt unpleasant. An 18 month old female named Imo found she could solve the problem by washing the potatoes in the salty ocean water, improving the taste of the potato. She taught this trick to her mother. Her playmates learned this trick and taught their mothers too. This cultural innovation was gradually picked up numerous monkeys in the troop and observed by the scientists.
Between 1952 and 1958, all the young monkeys learned to wash the sandy sweet potatoes and make them more palatable. Only the adults who imitated their children learned this cultural improvement. Other adult monkeys kept eating the dirty sweet potatoes. In autumn of 1958, something startling took place. A certain number of Koshima monkeys were already washing their sweet potatoes, the exact number is not known. The hypothetical number given was 99. Then it happened. The hundredth monkey learned to wash the sweet potatoes. The added energy of that hundredth monkey somehow created an ideological breakthrough. Almost everyone in the tribe was washing their potatoes before eating them, but a surprising occurrence was observed by these scientists. The habit of washing the sweet potato had jumped overseas. Colonies of monkeys on other islands and the mainland troop at Takaskiyama began washing their sweet potatoes.
Although the exact number may vary, this Hundredth Monkey Phenomenon means that when only a limited number of individuals knows a 'new way', it remains the conscious property of those individuals. However, when one more individual manifests this new awareness, the field is strengthened, a critical mass is reached, and the awareness becomes the conscious property of all. This new awareness is communicated mind to mind.
From The Hundredth Monkey by Ken Keyes Jr.
I am Christ. I am coming this day through the atmosphere of your consciousness. I am asking you to open the door of your reason, to allow me into your heart. Let me spring up from the ashes of your ignorance like the flame that burned brightly in the simplicity of your childhood. Look to the bible of love, my living presence in your heart. The Starseed Transmissions
The reality of what I am is beyond time. My interest is time. I create time that I might appear in diversity and cloth my attributes in form, that these attributes, appearing as created ones, may enjoy relationships in my nature, which is love.
While feeling the peace that permeates all eternity, while resting fulfilled in my nature, at one with the wholeness of what I am, then, and only then, make your decisions in time. Do all that you do from a center of peace, from a center in my Being. Accept my Holy Spirit into your world. Let me filter through you into the Earth. This is how my coming is taking place.
Like foam of an ocean wave retreating into the bosom of an eternal sea, the human drama is passing. Your world is changing. It will change quicker still. Soon all the years of human history up to the moment of my Awakening shall melt into a dream. All human motivation shall originate in the love of my Eternal Presence. Heaven will be mirrored on Earth. The Creator of all the stars in the sky shall be dressed in the graceful biological robes of a blue-white world. Vision
This event is in fact the first fully conscious incarnation of the Eternal One in the collective consciousness of the world's biosphere.
I would that each ego discover the joy and deep pleasure of being in love with its eternal counterpart, entering wholeheartedly into that blissful cycle of exchange that will dissolve its fears and bring it the deepest possible fulfillment. This is the inner marriage, where anima and animus alchemically merge in the crucible of human flesh, where eternal awareness enters human form to see the world through human eyes... So is the Christ arisen, the circuitry between heaven and earth completed, charged, animated, and brought to life. Starseed, The Third Millenium
When you know the Christ whose body all the earth reveals, when God's light lives within you, when your individuality has humbly offered all that it is to your universality, and you know yourself as One with the Great Being whose representative on earth you are, then you will see a pantheon of celestial hosts singing to you of the joy, the wonder, the beautiful and blessed glory of the One. Return of the Bird Tribes
When I return it shall be with power and in spirit. The eye of the flesh beholds the Son of Man in the flesh, but only the eye of the spirit will behold the Son of Man glorified by the Father and appearing on earth in his own name... Concerning the times of the coming again of the Son of Man, no one in heaven or on earth may presume to speak. But you should be wise regarding the ripening of an age; you should be alert to discern the signs of the times. You know when the fig tree shows its tender branches and puts forth its leaves that summer is near. Likewise, when the world has passed through the long winter of material-mindedness and you discern the coming of the spiritual springtime of a new dispensation, should you know that the summertime of a new visitation draws near.
The Urantia Book
In the perspective of a noogenesis, time and space become truly humanized - or rather super-humanized. Far from being mutually exclusive, the Universal and the Personal grow in the same direction and culminate simultaneously in each other. The Future-Universal could not be anything else but Hyper-Personal. The Phenomenon of Man
With physical circuitry mirroring my universal nature, I have designed the human species to clothe my intelligence in matter and implement my love on form. I have created them to share my Eternal Life and my creative power. I have created human beings to be conscious participants with me in a Second Stage of Universal Creation wherein biological detail of an unprecedented nature is brought to dimensional realms, terrestrial and beyond. Vision
We have long known that human beings would be our primary means of future creation.
You are the template, the prototype of a new and universal species, part solar, part material, both temporal and eternal, the species will span the gulf between the visible and invisible , bringing new worlds into form. Through you a new and unprecedented cycle of creation will occur.
Your awakening, when complete, will signal a distinct new evolutionary phase, with new ground rules and wholly altered creative conditions. Starseed, The Third Millenium
You are the beginnings of how eternity reveals its potential in time.
There are many reasons why your world holds the attention of the universe. Your initiative, your potential, your capacity - but also your fall, your rebellion...If we could use the same value systems of the rebellious egos to convince them once and for all that every interest they hold vital would be served more effectively through their voluntary cooperation with the spirits of God; that lesson could be learned and recorded, imprinted indelibly upon the genetic structure in every cell in every existing and yet to be created organism of this new type. The suffering of humanity would be turned to advantage for it would never have to be repeated...Egos skirting on the edge of a fear motivated decision could walk into the genetic-media library and watch the DNA story of what happened on earth...Why allow dozens of worlds to experience the results of ego rejection of spirit, when one world would do? If one world were the source world, the point of conception for all similar life forms to come, then there would, after the lesson was learned, be a built in genetic immunity to such disease in the future. Return of the Bird Tribes
You are preparing to seed and be the species planted on many new worlds because you have stored within your memories the history of what has occurred here on earth.
Bringers of the Dawn