Memphis is in Upper Egypt south of Modern Cairo. Its ancient names include Ineb-hedj - White Walls, Mennefer also Hetkaptah - House of the Ka of Ptah, Hanefer, Khuttawy- horizon of the two lands, and Anebu - city of walls. Most of the ancient city lies under the modern village of Mit Rahina sunked below the water table and covered by centuries of soil buildup as the river Nile altered its course. (It once flowed further to the west of its current course and has since shifted to the east) Little remains above ground as the ruins were "mined" for the construction of Cairo.
Religion: The major deities were a Divine Triad of Ptah, Sekhment and Nefertum. Other cults: Sokar as a Solar Falcon and patron of smiths, Apis the sacred bull child of Isis, Tatenen - the exalted earth - a chthonic Old Kingdom God whose rites were absorbed into Ptah's cult
History. The ancient Egyptians believed that Menes the First Ruler of the Two Lands constructed Memphis and its famous walls. Memphis was capital during the OLD Kingdom period and still important for centuries thereafter. Remaining OLD Kingdom sites are largely to the West of the city at the Necropolis at the Southern end of the Saqqara plateau. These sites ( see Saqqara, Abusir etc) also discussed in other entries include the Step Pyramids of Djoser and buildings associated with Unas and Userkaf and the tombs of Ptashhotep, Ty, Mereruka, Kagemni and Ankhmahor. Within the city was a temple of Ptah built over in the New Kingdom and one to hathor at Kom el-Rai'a. After the decline of the Old Kingdom Memphis while remaining a major regional centre had few known major building developments. However at the beginning of the 18th dynasty Memphis became a capital again. The necropolis expanded with tombs of various courtiers and civl servants such as Maya the Treasures and Horemkheb the General (who later became a pharaoh). The tombs of various members of Ramesses family and court are clustered close together to the south east of Sekhemhet pyramid which is NW of the city . That of Ramesses sister has the dubious distinction of being one of the most ineptly decorated and built structures of the period whereas the Tomb of Raia Chief Singer of Ptah is famous for its Blind Harper relief.
**** Important Note - when searching for other links specify you need to specify Memphis in Egypt or you'll get Memphis in the USA!!!