Auras Explained!

(sort of)

Like some of you out there, I can see auras. Sometimes.
An aura is a field of energy that eminates from a person, or from something close to that person. When I say 'see', I mean see in the way you see a turnip when I ask you to imagine a turnip. The auras I can see come in many different colors and shades, all nearly impossible to discribe, as most of them do not occur in nature, at least not that I know of.
From a person's aura, one can delineate many different things about that person, accuracy increasing with usage. For example, perhaps you have met someone and instantly liked them or didn't like them for no real reason you can understand. I postulate that perhaps you are seeing this person's aura and something about it either agrees or disagrees with you. I think everyone can see auras to an extent, and more graphic and detailed auras will come if you exercise your aura seeing muscle. To do this, just try and relax and look at people. Don't look only with your eyes, but look with the back of your brain. Breath deeply. Don't forget to blink. Hell, close your eyes for a couple minutes, they don't necessarily have to be open to see an aura.
For me, people I don't know very well have auras that are easier to see. I have to try very hard to see an aura of someone I know intimately, and often fail in the attempt. Once I accidentally glimpsed my own aura and it was an experience I don't particularly recommend.
Furthermore, a person's aura can infuse something of theirs, a letter or a personal object or something that they interacted with a lot. These auras are often dimmer, and hard to see. These auras linger long after the person has left, or died, or whatever.
I think that perhaps this has something to do with ghosts. Anyways, those are my aura thoughts. Send me an email if you want to discuss it more in depth or feel free to provide a couner-point that I would be happy to post.

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