KG-209's Horse Latin Page

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Hibellibo iband wibelcibome tibo miby Hiborse Libatibin Pibage. Fibor thibose ibof yibou whibo ciban ibundiberstiband hiborse libatibin, libet miby cibongribatibulibate yibou fibor bibeibing ibin thibe libeadibing pibercibent ibof pibeible ibin inbentibillibigibence. Ibif yibou cibannibot ribealliby ribead hiborse libatibin iband ibare jibust tribyibing tibo gibet biby ribeadibing thibis, Ibi ibinvibite yibou tibo vibisibit thibe Whibat thibe Hibell libink bibelibow. Ibanibywibays, hibere ibis ibalsibo iba libink tibo iba piborn ibindibex. Ibit ibis hibiddiben ibin iba piberibiibod ibon thibe bibottibon ibof thibe pibage.
Whibat thibe hibell?

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