Hurstville Boy's High School
School Calendar

School Calendar

1 9 9 8
Friday 3rd
Monday 6th
  • Year 7 and Year 11 Peer Support Leaders visit to Australia Wonderland
Tuesday 7th
  • Year 11 and 12 Scripture Seminars
Thursday 9th
  • Last Day of Term 1
Friday 10th
  • Good Friday
Monday 27th
  • School Development Day
Tuesday 28th
  • Students Return for Term 2
Monday 11th
  • Start of Year 7 Assessment Week
Tuesday 12th
Friday 15th
  • Year 12 Debate vs Kirrawee High School at Hurstville Boys' High School
  • End of Year 7 Assessment Week
Monday 18th
  • Start of Year 11 Assessment Week
Thursday 21st
  • Year 12 Debate vs Peakhurst High School at Hurstville Boys' High School
  • P & C Meeting in School Library at 7.45 pm. Topic: Annual Report - Q & A
Friday 22nd
  • St. George District University Day at Kogarah High School
  • Year 7 Visit by Gideons Society
  • End of Year 11 Assessment Week
Monday 25th
  • Athletics Carnival at Sylvania Athletics Field
  • Start of Year 9 Assessment Week
Friday 29th
  • End of Year 9 Assessment Week
Monday 1st
  • Start of Year 10 Assessment Week
  • Start of Year 10 Half Yearly Examinations
Tuesday 2nd
Friday 5th
  • End of Year 10 Assessment Week
  • End of Year 10 Examinations.
Monday 8th
  • Queen's Birthday Holiday
Monday 9th
  • Start of Year 8 Assessment Week
Thursday 11th
Friday 12th
  • End of Year 8 Assessment Week

Year 9 Geography/History Excursion

On April 3rd, Year 9 Geography students will be visiting the city for an Urban Field Study. The cost is $7.00 and permission notes (with payment) are required as soon as possible.

Mrs. Hempel's 9 Geography class will be participating in the National Geography Quiz on March 24th. Good luck to all those participating.

1998 Australian Schools Science Competition

The 1998 Australian Schools' Science Competition will be held on Tuesday, 12th May. We are now taking names and entry fees ($3.00 per student) from those who wish to enter. ALL boys in the top Science classes in Years 7 - 10 are expected to enter. Also, any student who is interested is welcome to take part. This competition provides a stimulating challenge and a chance to pit problem-solving skills against students from other schools.

Please bring in a note and money to Ms Thorogood by Friday, 13th March. Be involved!!!!!

Year 12 Parent/Teacher Meeting

A special Year 12 Parent/Teacher Meeting will be held on Tuesday evening, 2nd June, 1998 to allow students and parents to meet with teachers and discuss academic progress. Students will be issued with their reports at the meeting and parents are urged to take the opportunity to speak with their sons/ward's teachers. It is a disappointment to members of staff that they make their time available and then find that parents are unable to speak with them.

Open Night

This evening provides an occaison for the school to show-case the excellence of our education program. Parental support for this function is very important for the continued development of the school.