Hurstville Boy's High School

Code of Behaviour

Hurstville Boys' High School aims to provide its students with a high quality education which will equip them with the necessary academic skills necessary for participation in Australian society. This education will take place in a safe and friendly environment in which the concept of individual worth is given a high priority

  1. Respect the rights of other people

    • the right to learm
    • the right to listen
    • the right to be heard

  2. Be polite and considerate of others at all times.
    Be punctual to school and classes.
    Be neatly attired in the school uniform.
    Be sure to always follow your teacher's instructions.

  3. Respect other people's property and school property. NO VANDALISM!. Remember that vandalism and stealing are crimes

  4. No stealing from other people or your school

  5. No fighting or verbal abuse. Always remember 'HANDS OFF!' Violent behaviour, bullying and harassment will not be tolerated.

  6. The school is a drug free area. No cigarettes, alcohol or other drugs.

  7. No weapons of any description (this includes pocket knives).

  8. Do your best and ask for help when you need it. Ensure that homework and home-study are always completed.

  9. Behave in a manner that keeps yourself and all others safe at all times.

  10. Observe and keep the standards of uniform and general appearance requirements of the school.

  11. Accept your responsibilities as a memeber of the school community, and follow the instructions of all members of staff (teaching, office, grounds).

  12. So that all students are aware of their obligations under the school Code of Behaviour the following details are provided:

Breaches in the above areas will lead to suspension and/or police action. Possession of drugs or weapons will result in immediate police action.