West Virginia State College, MENC Chapter 442

Music Educators National Conference

West Virginia State College

I'd like to welcome all new students and returning upperclassmen to another year in MENC Chapter 442. We have some changes this year, and some excellent plans in store for our membership. Our new faculty advisor is Ms. Julie Gindrich, who we are glad to have aboard. WELCOME!
Officers 1999-2000
President--Michelle Kelly
Vice President--Angela Jones
Secretary--Brandon Holley
Treasurer--Brad Staley
Advisor--Ms. Julie Gindrich

West Virginia State College is located just west of Charleston, in the Kanawha River Valley. The college has a student body of over 5,000, both commuters and residents. The music department at WVSC offers Instrumental and Vocal degrees along with a certificate program in Music Industry. All degrees are in Music Education, with a certification in K-12.
The Music Educators National Conference chapter is extremely active in many aspects of the college and its students. The chapter itself has about 20 members. As a group we host such events as: Superstate Band Festival, Southern Region Jazz Fest, Solo and Ensemble Festival, Honors Bands, All-State Tryouts, Battle of the Bands, and more.
The MENC and the ensembles of the college also travel frequently. We travel all around the state to various functions, and often out of state, including Ohio, Tennessee, Georgia, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

Helpful Links for the Music Educator.......

Music Educators National Conference
West Virginia State College
College Music Society
Orff-Schulwerk Association
Interactive Music Empourium
Music Education Launch Site
Listen to WVSC Radio, Institute, WV, 106.7FM, LIVE!

For information about West Virginia State College's Music Department, or the MENC Chapter, give us a call at (304)766-3196, or Fax at (304)766-5100. Or email us.

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