More guestbook entries

Philip - 11/29/00 19:48:14
Favorite Katherine Neville book: Magic Circle
Favorite character: Sam, Laf
Least favorite character: Wolfgang
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Fred Saberhagen, Alex. Dumas
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): Count of MonteCristo

I love the blending of myth and fact, legend and history that K.N. puts into her stories. You want to look for factual sites and events to go along with the tales. Katherine Neville rocks!!!

Norma Rotman - 11/09/00 23:48:14

Just a note to let you know my book discussion group, which I've been in for 31 years, has just read "The Eight" as part of a unit on Historical Fiction. Tonight, 11/9/00, we'll be discussing the book and hearing a presentation by a chess master. My only comment after reading "The Eight" and "The Magic Circle" is that each book should really be a trilogy -- there's so much in each one, it sometimes becomes overwhelming.

Mandy Mcewen - 11/09/00 18:57:16
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Eight
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Edgar Allen Poe
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): The Crystal Cave

I read "The Eight" two years ago when I was in the 11th grade. Our honors english teacher assigned it to us towards the end of the year. This made all the students EXTREMELLY happy because all we had been reading for the past year was Nathaniel Hawthorn a d Charles Dickons, BORING! Anyway I took it home and began reading it immidiately and after the first chapter I couldn't put it down! I read it at work, at home, and during ALL my classes at school. It was the most exciting and interesting book I'd ever r ad in my life! And it made English class so much fun. I told my parents about it and all my friends. Anyway thanx Katherine for such a great book. (And i don't even like to read that much). The Eight was the only assigned book in English that year that I ctually read.

Angela - 11/08/00 11:02:52
Favorite Katherine Neville book: All
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): David & Leigh Eddings
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): Lord of The Rings-Read it in one day.

I have been very impressed with all three books. I found I was unable to stop reading once I started and was then quite disappointed that they had to end. The combination of actual historic events, religion etc is fascinating, particularly as I am a mic and have a fairly good knowledge of the bible. I look forward to her next book with great impatients.

Mark - 11/04/00 03:16:48
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The 8
Favorite character: Cat
Least favorite character: Marat
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Stephen Hunter
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): A Time to Hunt

Vicki, Depardieu is Danton, *not* Talleyrand! And (speaking as a guy and a Nam vet) Mireille et al were at war with Marat et al. Marat was not a helpless prisoner--and the Geneva Accords were > 100 yrs. in the future. ~8-) Great site! Thanks. p.s. Sting is an excellent choice for T-rand. Sergei Fedorov can play a non-Solarin Russian [yeah, right, like Sergei can act..]

Toni - 10/23/00 16:28:58
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The eight (El ocho)

"El ocho" me maravilló. No tanto"The magic circle", pues lo he encontrado algo complicado. Aún así, es un buen libro, con cantidad de información. La autora y su biografía me parecen fascinantes. Saludos desde España.

kennedy velez - 09/18/00 02:05:23
Favorite Katherine Neville book: the eight
Favorite character: solarin
Least favorite character: llewelyn
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): dante
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): divine comedies

About "the eight",it never cease to regale me.See you in Algeria.

Sharon Walbridge - 09/09/00 03:47:53


Sascha Fink - 08/21/00 14:21:19
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Eight
Favorite character: Solarin
Least favorite character: Marat
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Anne Rice
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): The Plague Tales

I cannot wait for the sequel to The Eight.

ulrike winkler - 08/18/00 20:28:36
Favorite Katherine Neville book: magic circle

Almost everything I've been studying all my life long has appeared in this book.Including an absolutely wild family with the oddest cross-references.It is almost as if she was dreaming into someone else's reality(eg. mine) and translating it into her ow fiction, which sometimes is closer to truth than is comfortable. I would love to know much ore about Ms.Neville, her beliefs, what fascinates and drives her,her philosophy etc.

Mario Viecenz - 08/16/00 10:53:19
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The 8
Favorite character: Mireille
Least favorite character: Marat
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Masterton, Killworth, Fitzgerald, Blacke, Yates, Rice
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): Great Gatsby


Beatriz Fernandez - 08/14/00 21:47:43
Favorite Katherine Neville book: n/a
Favorite character: n/a
Least favorite character: n/a
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): many
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): MANY!

I ran across your page looking for Connie Willis pages--I also read Laurie R. King, Carole Nelson Douglas and Ann Benson. I really liked your page and all the suggestions about authors--some I will definitely explore! Katherine Neville is new to me--I look forward to reading her books.

Melissa - 08/11/00 21:39:42
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Eight
Favorite character: Mireille


Shannon - 07/06/00 23:54:03
Favorite Katherine Neville book: I haven't heard of her until I stopped by your website.
Favorite character: N/A
Least favorite character: N/A
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): William Shakespeare
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): The Bible

Nice website. I'll look into reading one of her books to see what her style is.

Susan Fish - 07/05/00 05:59:24
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Eight
Favorite character: Nim
Least favorite character: Marat
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Arthur Conan Doyle
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): Snow Falling on Cedars

I am thrilled there is a wealth of info, sites, and great stuff to read about Katherine Neville and The Eight and very excited that there will be a sequel---I have read that book at least a dozen times and am amazed there are others as crazy about it as m !!!

Minerva - 06/26/00 00:23:59
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Eight
Favorite character: Catherine
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Wilbur Smith, Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): River God, Cien Años de Soledad

The Eight is one of my favorite books, and now that I know there is going to be a sequel I can hardly wait! I know The Eight has been translated to spanish but I haven't found a copy to share it with my friends here in Mexico, it is nice to find people th t like the same books that I do, even if they are so far away. Thank you.

Grazia - 05/30/00 09:30:05
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Magic Circle
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Michener
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): too many

would like to see more book from K.Neville translated into Italian language. Do I have any hope ??

Fatima Fanna Mairami - 05/09/00 23:46:19
My URL:http://nescape
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Eight(the only one I've read)
Favorite character: Catherine
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Jeffery Archer

I first read The Eight 2 years back and was totally fascinated by the book. I told everyone interested in books about it. Somehow I lost it. For the past 2 years I've searched for the book here in Nigeria to no avail. At the first opportunity I got I aske a friend in the U.S to get it for me. He did. The book arrived yesterday!. I've been reading it and the thrill is still there. I came onto the net to verify some facts(e.g is the service real?) and discovered this website. I don't know what to say about the author she seems unreal. The Eight has a power almost as great as the one in the story. Katherine is a true architect and I hope to tell her that to her face someday. It would be an honor. The Eight is a book I'll cheris for life. I'll make sure I get her other books. Thanx. Fanna

tim - 04/25/00 06:09:59
My Email:??
Favorite Katherine Neville book: only read the eight
Favorite character: mirelle
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): john grisham
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): the glass lake


Elina Igaunis - 04/19/00 07:27:06


Jodie Weeding - 03/25/00 11:37:09
Favorite Katherine Neville book: All
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Clive Cussler
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): Inca Gold

I was slowly working my through my favourite book shop several years ago and a friend who knows I love chess picked up THE EIGHT and passed it over to me. Suffice to say I took it home. Now a couple of years later my third copy of THE EIGHT has fallen apa t and I'm due to go and get second of A CALCULATED RISK. K.N. is a brilliant writer, she produces book that you cant put down, then cant wait to pickup again and again. I have since thanked my friend by buying her copies of all the books.

ruth - 03/12/00 11:33:38

Last night I "played" "The magic cube" with my son and painted a picture. In the morning I wanted to hear some more different explanations about my cube, my ladder, my horse ... and I opened the book and wanted to read in it. It opened on a page where Kar Pribram told about his playing the "cube". I remembered that 11 years ago I awaked some morning with a dream: Karl Pribram was a very important name in that dream and I felt I had to follow this trace (?) one day. Now I read in the book and on the next p ge there was the name Katherine Neville - I never heard the name before. After breakfast I went to internet and put "Karl Pribram" in. The first output was Katherine Neville! I read her homepage and was very surprised. There is a lot touching my interests: I am born two years after her (I'm German), I studied maths, philosophy psychology and comparing religions. I always wanted to write books, to paint and to take photos when family duties would be come to end end.

Mónica Noda - 03/12/00 00:49:07
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The eight
Favorite character: Catherine Velis


Jutta - 02/04/00 17:50:28
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Eight
Favorite character: Cat
Least favorite character: Marat
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Chaim Potok
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): My name is Asher Lev

I also read The Eight again and again, and I heard about a sequel here for the first time! Now the long waiting begins... Your sites about KN and her books are great and informative: Thanks for them!!! Greetings to all other fans! If somebody of you would like to exchange his/her personal thoughts about KN and other books with my views don`t hesitate to send me an e-mail(Eng ish, French or German)!!! CU Jutta

Manel Gazo - 02/03/00 20:11:29
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The 8
Favorite character: Mireille
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Dean Koontz
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): Watchers

Too many nigths awake!!! impossible to go to bed... thanks for this history KN.

Mandy - 01/31/00 20:49:04
Favorite Katherine Neville book: the eight
Favorite character: Catherine
Least favorite character: Marat
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): M.M.Kaye
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): the Far Pavillions

The historical accuracy of this story initially made me wonder about whether there was truth to the Montglane Service. I give K Neville major props for this book, it is smart, interesting, amazingly detailed and I loved it. I cant wait to read the sequ l.

Joan Muntal - 01/18/00 16:27:18
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Eight
Favorite character: Catherine Velis

I enjoyed visiting your page, thank you very much.

lydia whittington - 01/14/00 14:18:27
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Magic Circle (so far)
Favorite character: Ariel
Least favorite character: the POD
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Scott Peck
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): The Road Less Traveled

What a wonderful mystical collage. The journey defines and crystalizes the oneness of the universe and the connectedness of various religions, people and time. This is the first of Katherine Neville's books that I have read & will not be the last.

Claudia - 01/02/00 17:14:30
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Montglane-Game
Favorite character: Katherine

Thanks a lot for this site. I have to present a book at school and I needed some information about Katherine Neville. I also have a question: Is there any connection between Katherin Neville and Katherine in the book?( because of name and birthday?) Thanks for the answer Bye Claudia

fernando - 12/30/99 18:52:33
Favorite Katherine Neville book: the egith
Favorite character: mireille
Least favorite character: marat

es uno de los mas interesantes libros que he laido me parece sumamente bueno y pudo leerlo toda la noche sin parar me gusta mucho su forma de escribir

Marko - 12/29/99 00:32:20
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Eight
Favorite character: Carioca
Least favorite character: Solarin
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Patrick Suskind
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): Olvidado Rey Gudu


Sara - 12/20/99 10:14:33
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Eight
Favorite character: Solarin
Least favorite character: Catherine the Great
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Clive Cussler
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): Catch-22 (Joseph Heller)

The Eight is the most wonderful book. I have read it about 7 times in 3 years, and I find it more intriguing every time I read it. I can't wait for a sequel!!

Karen Bostock - 11/29/99 21:38:50
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Magic Circle
Favorite character: Ariel Behn
Least favorite character: Hitler
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Ramsey Campbell
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): Slaughterhouse Five

Katherine's books are, on one level, very escapist entertainment. However, the deeper you delve into the stories, the more fascinating they become. I truly appreciate the thorough research and years of experience it must have taken for her to have writt n on so many levels. I look forward to reading her new novel as soon as it comes out!!

Lucas Corso - 11/23/99 17:31:47
Favorite Katherine Neville book: El circulo mágico
Favorite character: José de Arimatea
Least favorite character: Hieronymous Behn
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Umberto Eco / Arturo Perez-Reverte
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): El nombre de la rosa / Territorio Comanche

Un español en el círculo mágico.

Dan - 10/27/99 23:00:39
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Eight
Favorite character: Catherine
Least favorite character: n/a
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Dean Koontz
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): The Talisman

She is the best!

Alejandra - 10/24/99 17:04:58
Favorite Katherine Neville book: A Calculated Risk
Favorite character: Verety
Least favorite character: Ariel
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Anne Rice
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): The Vampire Lestat

I love love love love love love love love her books

Critic101 - 10/14/99 06:10:25
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Eight - Definitely
Favorite character: Solarin
Least favorite character: Harry
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): J K Rowling, Gail Carson Levine
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): Harry Potter Series, Ella Enchanted


Irene - 10/01/99 11:34:58
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Eight
Favorite character: Catherine


sandra rignall - 09/26/99 11:10:43
Favorite Katherine Neville book: tThe Eight

The Eight would have to be probably the best book I have read. I do not play chess and I am no mathematician but this book had my full attention. Brilliant reading

Summer - 08/21/99 00:36:42
Favorite Katherine Neville book: All of them, but if I had to choose one : The Eight
Favorite character: Catherine Velis
Least favorite character: Sharrif
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Jude Deveraux
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): Remembrence

Keep them coming Katherine!!!

Cecilia Cardenas - 07/27/99 15:05:56
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Magic Circle
Favorite character: Ariel Behn
Least favorite character: I like them all
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Stewart Swerdlow
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): Illuminata by Marianne Williamson

Peter Moon, renowed researcher and writer, who re-introduced the Philadelphia/Montauk experiment in Long Island, recommended Nevilles' books to his readers, urging us to get them before it's taken out of circulation. That's what I did. Reading Nevilles' b oks I understood why.

Cheryl - 07/19/99 00:26:03

I have just started "The Magic Circle" so I am going to reserve my comments on favorite Neville book until I'm finished with it. Good site. I'll return when I'm done with the book.

Samantha SInger - 07/17/99 23:32:01
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Magic Circle
Favorite character: Ariel
Least favorite character: Lucky

Just finished the Magic Circle -- the first of Katherine Nevilles books I have read, but certainly not the last. The writing was wonderful, but what really was incredible was the research. I have become more familiar with myth and legend over the past f w years, by way of introduction to Joseph Campbell's work among others, through a close friend. The education I have so recently received was so well documented in in Ms. Neville's work in breadth and detail that I was truly "mind-boggled". I recommend his work to anyone interested in history of the past 2000 years, mythology, biblical studies, encryption, adventure, Native american studies -- aw heck, everyone with a brain should read this book! Am going to run over to and drop a reader's review there. Perhaps "Lucky's" psuedo-minions are behind this?

darren newbury - 06/25/99 09:58:47
Favorite Katherine Neville book: the eight
Favorite character: love'em'all
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): jean m auel
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): cloud warrior


Jennifer Cassity - 06/15/99 16:45:27
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The Magic Circle
Favorite character: Ariel
Least favorite character: not sure
Favorite author (besides Katherine Neville): Ayn Rand
Favorite book (not by Katherine Neville): Atlas Shrugged

I read The Eight years ago and have never been able to get it out of my mind. When I checked on, she had finally come out with 2 more books! I ordered all 3 immediately. Please, Katherine, publish more frequently!

Amanda - 06/11/99 08:45:54
Favorite Katherine Neville book: The 8

Would like to see a Knights Tour on your website