of the Common Soldier
What was life
like for the common soldier in the Civil War? It was one
of hardship and suffering that brought men from various
backgrounds together as they depended on one another for
survival. But in the spirit of camaraderie, at times
there was also mischief and fun amongst the ranks.
The common
soldier's routine is explored in the words of
writers—present and past—who have studied the
lives of soldiers in depth, or who have themselves
witnessed and experienced the battlefields and camps of
the Civil War.
Click on one of the headings below to read stories in that section.
Tales of Dutch Hoffmann
out how the men lived and what they did to pass the time
in these engaging, fictionalized letters by my friend,
Dutch Hoffmann. Dutch, who has long researched
the life of the common soldier, paints a vivid picture in
the style of the great 19th century humorists, with
colorful descriptions and a wealth of factual
information. Just sit back and relax, and I hope you will
enjoy these letters as much as I do.
The Civil War
Memoirs of Daniel Crotty
G. Crotty, Color Sergeant for the Third Michigan
Volunteer Infantry, Company G, relates his account in Four
Years Campaigning in the Army of the Potomac.
Selected excerpts from his detailed narrative are
presented for insight into the life of the common Federal
In the Words of
Sam Watkins
R. Watkins, private in the First Tennessee Infantry,
Company H, recounts his wartime saga in "Co.
Aytch": A Side Show of the Big Show. Selected
excerpts from his remarkable tale provide a glimpse into
the life of the common Confederate soldier.
Singing for Their Supper:
The Common Soldier's Fare
fare of the common soldier may not have always been very
tasty or palatable but was often a topic of discussion
amongst the men in the ranks, as well as the subject of
songs, letters, and journal entries. On this page you
will find passages by soldiers of the Blue and Gray,
lyrics to popular soldier songs "Hard Crackers Come
Again No More" and "The Army Bean,"
recipes for bean soup and cornbread, and illustrations of
camp life.
From the Journal of John West Haley
John West Haley served as an infantryman
in Company I, 17th Maine Volunteers Regiment, from 1862 to
1865. These excerpts from his journals reveal a sardonic character
that found humor even in times of despair. Written in an unpretentious,
down-to-earth style, Haley's writing is as fresh and spontaneous
as the common man's from our own time.
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