The Sky Replies

		The soldier asks a purple sky,
		"Why this strange, new hue?"

		The sky replies, "A battle altered  me.
		Tis a battle fought by you.
		Douse war's fire-red, and again,
		You'll see my blue.
		For all the colors mixed at once,
		can never change what's true."

		The painter asks a storm-black sky,
		"Why are you so blue?"

		The sky replies, "I reflect the blue I am.
		The blackness whirls in you.
		Not even a loved one's death
		can long alter what's true."

		Plato asks an inscrutable sky,
		"What makes you see truth?"

		The sky replies, "I existed long before eyes,
		which reflect the small patch around them.
		They are but pieces of the puzzle I hang over.
		The picture only confounds them."