Stars: An Acrostic

		Stella, star on screen,
		Takes wry note of the sky.
		Amid light, born of night,
		Rays from fellow stars shine down.

		Stars, from cosmic cradles,
		(The actress muses)
		Are nursed to be mirrors-
		Reflecting their terrestrial counterparts.

		See Ursa Minor, the ingenue bear,
		Take lunch with Orion-
		An agent she courts
		Regarding her place in the heavens.

		Selling her to a circus,
		The hunter of commissions
		Arranges to mount her claws on his belt,
		Removing her from negotiations.

		Suing him in a higher firmament
		To lighten that sparkling trophy belt,
		Actress Ursa milks sympathy,
		Rounding the orbits on Milky Way T.V.

		Stella, down on earth again,
		Transports to Sardi's.
		Accompanied by her new agent,
		Renderings of stars surround her.