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Definitions From Alexander Hislop's


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"To subdue". Also, rad.

"The merciful", or "compassionate one" also signifies the "womb" as the seat of compassion.

From Egypt, name of the "pure or purifying spirit". Also, "spittle." Spittle was the mystical symbol of the "Spirit" in the Mysteries. {SEE: Definition / Rikh}

In the active sense signifies "the gazing woman"; in the passive "the woman gazed at", i.e., "the beauty". Also signifies, in one of its meanings, a vulture.

Signifies "a sweet smell" or "odor of sweetness". The similarity of this word rikh to rekh accounts for how and why spittle in pagan and today’s Roman Catholic ceremonies is equated with a sweet odor. {SEE: Definitions / Rekh]

The original name for Rome was Saturnia, "the city of Saturn".

Possibly from the Chaldean word ro, meaning "thought"; and, shareh, "director"; a "thought-director". {SEE: Symbols / Rosary; Sacred Heart}

In memory of the mutilation that Nimrod’s body went thru at his death, he was called Rosh-Gheza, "the mutilated prince". Rosh-Gheza also signifies "clipped or shaved head".

An adjective derived from the article Roe meaning "a shepherd". The word roe is the origin of the French word roi, "a king", from whence the adjective royal, and from ro which signifies "act the shepherd". Frequently pronounced reg; with "sh" affixed, meaning "he who is" or "who does". In turn comes regsh,"he who acts the shepherd", origin of the Latin Rex or Regal.

[Babylonian] Title of the goddess mother as the dwelling place of god. In the emphatic, Sactya, "the Tabernacle." Goddesses of India represented as wielding power of the gods they represent are called "Sacti."

{SEE: Definitions / Sacca}

[India] {SEE: Definitions / Sacca}

[Babylonian] Name for a great cycle of time. Probable origin of the Chaldee word zer, "to encompass".

{SEE: Definition/ Teitan}

"The hidden god". In Chaldee pronounced Satur, but is spelt stur. Note how close the Chaldee pronunciation Satur is to the "Dance of the Satyrs". The Babylonian fire-god, who is, although an infernal god, identified also, as Phoroneus, the "deliverer". The Latin and, Roman "god of the mysteries".

A festival that celebrated the birth of Saturn.

Companions of Bacchus and "danced along with him" [Elion Hist. p.22] referring to the Satyric Dance. Remember Bacchus referred to as "bull-horned". The Satyrs also had their horns and it would seem that the Satyric Dance is a counterpart of the American Indian Buffalo Dance, in imitation of the Satyric "horned-divinities".

[Babylonian] "The image". Name of the Babylonian goddess.

"The appointed one". Synonymous to Shem.

"The appointed one". Also signifies "to desolate", or "lay waste".

[Early Chaldean] "The servant".

"The land of the regenerator". From, shene, "to repeat", and naar, "childhood".

Shing Moo:
[Chinese] "Holy mother." Same as Ma Tsoopo, in the province of Fuh-kien. From Ama Tzupah, "gazing mother". Mu is a form of Mut or Maut, name of a mother-goddess in Egypt, and shngh, in Chaldee, signifies "to look" or "gaze".

Form of the word Div.

[Hebrew] Name for a bull, or a ruler.

Or Som in India. The name for the moon.

{SEE: Definition /Rekh}

"The tabernacle of child-bearing." Often thought to be plural, referring to booths or tabernacles used for infamous purposes.

In early Chaldean, Shemesh, meaning "the servant". The name Tor, "the revolver", in reference to the sun is a synonym of the Greek Zen or Zan applied to Jupiter which signifies "the encircler" or "encompasser". Origin of the word sun. In Anglo-Saxon, sunna, and in Egypt the term snnus refers to the sun’s orbit. Hebrew zon or zawon, to "encircle" becomes in Chaldee don or dawon.

In Hinduism, is god incarnate of the sun. Is the sun.

Title bestowed on a widow in India who burns herself on her husband’s funeral pyre.

"Perfecting fire". "To perfect", "to purify". A sun-god; god of fire.From tam, "to make perfect", and muz, "fire". (Note: Recorded in a Zoroastrian verse, "All things are the progeny of one fire. The father perfected all things, and delivered them to the second mind, whom all nations of men call the first." The fire is the father of all, and the 2nd mind is obviously the child who replaced Nimrod.) Spoken of in Ezekial. Commonly called Bacchus among classical writers. {SEE: Definitions / Adonis}

From The Chaldean word tur. {SEE: Definitions / Tur}

Satan’s name among the Devil-Worshippers of Kurdistan is Sheitan, which is from the Chaldean Teitan. The Chaldean language often transforms the "sh" or "s" into "t". (Examples: Hebrew shekel and Chaldean tekel; Hebrew seraphim and Chaldean teraphim, the Babylonian counterfeit of the heavenly Cherubim or Seraphim.)

Roman god of marriage. Thelatti, means "belonging to the rib", and with the Roman termination becomes Thalatthius or "Thalasius, the man of the rib," i.e., Adam.

"The rib". Chaldean form of the Hebrew word, tzalaa, in the feminine. Tzaloa is the word used in Genesis that is translated as rib in the KJV. Thalatta is one of the names referring to the Babylonian goddess.

[Chaldean] "Good." Also, pronounced Thev, and emphatic in Theva, or Thevo; "the good".

Seems to have come from nthes, meaning "to loosen". (Note: the temple of Theseus, at Athens was a sanctuary for slaves and others fleeing persecution "in memory of Theseus, while he lived, was an assister and protector of the distressed." -Potter. vol. i. p. 36.) {SEE: Definition / Feronia; Phoroneus}

"The lamented goddess". A synonym for Bacchus, "the lamented god". Feminine form of Thouneus. Thyoneus in Latin. From the passive participle of thn, "to lament".

"To loosen", or "set loose", "to free". The root being the Chaldee, nthsh, from which the initial "n" has been dropped.

[Scandinavian] "Time". Hence, Hoeg-tid, "festival time".

Rites of Teitan, which have a prominent place in the Mysteries of Egypt and Greece. {SEE: Definition / Teitan}

[Chaldean] Same as shur. In Latin, becomes Taurus.

"The evil one". Different individuals in Egypt were called Typho, but one of the most noted called by this title was Seth. {SEE: Definition / Seth}

The malignant Serpent or Dragon, universally regarded as the Devil, author of all wickedness.

| A-B | C-H | I-K | L-Q | R-T | U-Z |

Source of Definitions:

Hislop, Rev. Alexander. The Two Babylons; or the Papal Worship: Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod and His Wife. Loizeaux Brothers: Neptune, New Jersey. 1959.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a work in progress, any comments, corrections, additions, etcetera, will be greatly appreciatated. Due to the fact that I am hard-headed just like everyone else, I may not make any changes. But your responses and advice will be warmly welcomed!

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