When The Sorceress gathered her friends about her for this circle, she asked each of us if we would like a page on her site to explain ourselves and our paths. I had to think long and hard as to how I wanted to introduce myself to the world. When new friends learn that I am a pagan and a practicing Wiccan I receive many reactions. From those who are unlearned as to the ways of the Ancient Religion, sometimes it is shock and they are uncomfortable. For the intellectually curious it is the opportunity to learn. For those secure in their own faith, it is the opportunity to understand another's seeking of the Divine. For those who know me well, they are not surprised. For those who do not know me, it is intriguing, as their image of a "witch" is almost always not the reality.

Who am I spiritually? I am someone who is in tune with the natural cycle of the Earth. I celebrate the seasons, in my day-to-day life and through the holy days of my religion. I identify with the aspects of the four quarters and the elements associated with each. I celebrate the holiness of human life, from birth through mid-life and onto death and rebirth. Those aspects of divine humanity are embodied in my belief in the Goddess and the God. They are the manifestation of Divine duality and balance. My way of conceiving of the human aspects of the greater Holiness. The life source from which we all came and will return when our learning is complete.
,br> Who am I physically? I am a married, middle-aged lady. I am a career woman. I could be your mother, your sister, your wife, your friend. You stand in line next to me at the grocery store. We chat over the fences in our backyard. I am your secretary, or perhaps your boss. We might have taken a class together at the local university. You definitely met me at your last women's rally. You saw me at the Food Bank, the Little League Game and wandering about the shopping mall. Oh, you probably didn't know that I was a Wiccan lady … but then I didn't know you were Jewish or Christian or Muslim either. Most of us don't wear our religion in public, do we? But for all who are devout and devoted to their faith, it is so much a part of us. Physically invisible, but shaping our very souls. It is what we are, to the very depths of our being. My Goddess lives within me. She is my spirit, and she is also my physical body. She has taught me that I am at the same time unique amongst and bound in commonality to all that is, was and will be. I walk the Earth in her form. It is a joy. It is a wonder. It is an honor.

Would you like to share a cup of tea and a chat? You are welcome, friend. After all, Anni is The Witch Next Door. Just a short hop over the fence or walk up the street, and I'm right there. Clear the books off of the chair and blow the dog hair off of the table … and settle down for a nice long visit. Perhaps a crescent-shaped cookie with your chamomile tea? Sugar or lemon?

Ahneke Greystone, MidSummer 1998

Ahneke's Goddess

This is another one (here we go again ) where there are so many interpretations. For me, the important thing when studying was to come to my personal ideas of what the archetypes meant to me. Unlike some pagans, I don't separate the Lady into the separate archetypes, but see her as whichever one I need at any given time. I spent many years dealing with the three standard archetypes of Maiden, Mother and Crone. In the last five years I have added two of my own :-) Here's Anni's short course (which is, of course, only applicable to me, as you will connect to your own archetypes as you study - and perhaps already have).

The Divine Toddler - I don't think you'll find this in a book :-) I kind of "invented" it. But it is the stage in the Lady when I see her as a small child. In traditional Wiccan thought we don't ever see her as such. We see the God as a toddler or a very young man (I see Him as such at Imbolc). But the Lady seems to spring forth as a Maiden fully formed :-) For me the Divine Toddler is the child within. When we are able to see the world through the eyes of wonder. We have a total lack of "self" and our world is what we can touch and see. It is what we are in the innocence of infancy. We can only hope to keep some of the Toddler with us forever. But it becomes more and more difficult as we mature and facts and figures begin to fill our brains. The trick is to stay in touch with the Divine Toddler. The Divine Toddler is the essence of Wonder.

Maiden - The Maiden to me is someone who has become totally aware of Her Self. She is inwardly focused. By that I mean that she is the product of her own creation. She doesn't need others to validate her. She has a vibrant independence and doesn't feel the need to be connected to others. I meditate on the aspect of the Maiden when I need to center and focus. When I have a direct goal to attain and don't want to be distracted. Sometimes it might seem she is a bit Self-centered. If she is, then it is the best of Self-centeredness. Self-celebration. The Maiden is the essence of Confidence.

Mother - I see this aspect of the Lady as being in the time of her life when she does see herself more through the eyes of others. A well-balanced Mother has not lost touch with the Maiden within her. It is a time of reaching out. Perhaps in the biological sense, as she nurtures the next generation. But also in the sense of accomplishments. It is a time for Big Plans and giving birth to more than physical life. Also of intellectual and spiritual life. In the communal sense, the Mother stands outside of herself often, and puts the needs of others first. Not diminishing herself in doing so, but reaching a state of fulfillment and vitality through outreach and creation. And her life is more of an outreach than and inward reaching. The Mother is the essence of Accomplishment.

Crone - To me, the Crone is a fascinating combination of Maiden and Mother. She has learned to stand alone, but at the same time remains the nurturer. The Wise Woman who counsels, who makes herself available to others while also focusing very much on her inward path. She is so at ease within herself that she has much to give to those around her. It is a time of "giving back" that which has come to her over the years. In fact, I see a responsibility of the Crone to be aware that she owes back to the community and that her wisdom must be shared. She is often required to put the good of others before herself, but she sees this as her inheritance and she can give of herself without compromising herself (often the Mother finds herself drained from the giving; the Crone has learned to preserve her core while opening to others). The Crone is the essence of Wisdom.

Grandmother - This comes from my Native American studies. I needed an archetype of the elderly woman. Having been physically and legally the guardian of my grandparents as they aged, became ill and passed, I saw this as a powerful time of life. It is a time when the Lady "relaxes" -- there is no need to give anymore. Perhaps one is intellectually diminished or physical limitations have changed one's abilities. It is a time for one to rest in the arms of the community. To be honored for one's achievements while being cared for as though one were once again the Divine Toddler. It is a time of dependency ... and I believe the title Grandmother entitles one to be treated with a certain respect and honor. I also needed this archetype to help me deal with the passing of some of my elderly loved ones. As it's reconnection to the Divine Toddler who has reactions based on the small world around it and it's body (all of my grandparents experienced dementia for several years before their deaths), I see the Crone/Toddler combination as completing the cycle. The traditional view of the three aspects was too linear for me; I needed to feel more connected to the human cycle as a continuing thing. The Grandmother is the essence of Reflection.

I don't think we progress through these stages necessarily linearly (except for all starting and usually ending much as the Divine Toddler). Some of us will not experience all aspects in our life. I personally have moved from Maiden to Mother. But I sense more of a returning to the Maiden than a progression to the Crone at this point in my life. Perhaps after I have revisited the Maiden for some years I will be moving on to Crone. But I do see many older women as more the Maiden than the Crone. Crones are special and few and far between in my experience.

One last thought. I see all of these aspects of the God, too. And see every stage within the men in my life. I truly don't see too many men who are successful Mothers and Crones. But when they are, as my dearly beloved grandfather was, it is a marvelous thing to behold and those around them are blessed for the knowing.