Who I Am
I am first and foremost Luna WillowSong.
A womanchild of the Goddess. I am maiden,
mother, crone. At present I relate most closely to the mother and am slightly more than
half way to my second Saturn return. I birthed my third child, a daughter after two sons,
at the time of my first Saturn return. At her birth began my journey of return to the
Goddess who called me gently and profoundly in my early girlhood. I am a solitary
eclectic witch with leanings toward Celtic tradition. The Moon has always sung to me.
She tells me I am loved and to love others as I have been loved. To nurture, cherish,
comfort, heal, befriend, and embrace those whom she sets in my path. The Willow, my
guardian totem has forever sheltered me. The element to which I most closely relate is
water. It provides balance for my fire sign of Sagittarius. It is in the water that I hear the
Mother's voice most clearly.
I am a river.
Flowing, glistening, ever changing.
My current is swift, sometimes I move with leisure.
I mirror the world around me in my face.
In the storms, my face gray and shadowed,
I react and give as I am given.
When life is good I show you my serene side, blue dappled with silver.
Don't expect me to always stay within the boundaries of the bank.
Don't try to hold me back with your dams.
I have a will of my own and will ignore your limitations,
at first with just a trickle,
then with roaring fury I reclaim all you have tried to with hold from me.
It amuses me to be tickled by fish,
to tumble pebbles, smoothing their edges.
When there is no other way,
it saddens me to cut through mountains.
Everything that touches me changes me.
I change everything I touch,
the parched doe, the playful otter, the green plant.
I beckon with my song,
it is your choice to plunge beneath my surface.
I am life and death to all whom I embrace.