The Taoist Circle Organization

Taoist Circle Newsletter Submissions Page

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Welcome to the Taoist Circle Newsletter Submission Page. This is where members and non-members can post submissions to the Taoist Circle Newsletter. Below is a description of each area of the newsletter and an area for you to type in your submission.

So feel free to submit anything you choose even if you aren't a member. But to see your post you will need to subscribe to the Taoist Circle Organization. To do so, or to get more information use the form below:

Email Address:

More Info

On all submissions please include credit for all cited works (and your name if you wish personal credit). Keep in mind that space is an issue so please try to keep submissions under 150 words. Also, if wish to submit to more than one area, after each submission you will need to click on the "back" button of your browser to come back to this page. Thank you.

This is the area of the Taoist Circle Newsletter that I let the members know of recent events or findings as they relate to the philosophical view of life. Cloning, anciet text discoveries etc.. are all examples. If you know of such a news item let me know.

"Interesting Sites":
This is where intersting sites are listed for the members. They don't have to deal with Taoism, just so long as they are very interesting sites.

"Your Thoughts On":
This is basically the "letters to the editor" area. Members state their views on various topics. Preferably relating to philosophy, religion, or Taoism.

"Questions Posed":
A place where members can ask a question and all the members of the circle can then try to answer it. A great way to clear some things up.

"Questions Answered":
The section where members post their answers to a previously asked question in the letter.

"Interesting Information":
This is the area of the newsletter designed to teach and inform people interested in Taoism. This section covers such things as the history, practices, rituals, origins, and relations of Taoism. If you know an interesting fact about Taoism let me know here.

"Books and Magazines":
Read a good book? Know of a magazine that would interest fellow philosophers? Then this is where you can let me know about it so all the members will a chance to check it out themselves.

This is the section that the members let me see their favorite quotes. Every one has one, let me know what yours is.

All work and no play can make life very boring. So this is the "lite" section of the newsletter. If you have a clean, funny joke, let me hear it.

"Chats, Mailing lists, Newsletters":
This is where I try to list all other sources of community and communitcation for fellow Taoists. If you know of a resource such as a chat room, mailing list, newsgroup, or newsletter let me know so others can benefit.

New ideas to improve the letter:
Got a neat idea that would improve the letter? If so let me know about it.

Comments and Criticism on the Letter:
What do you think about the letter? Good or bad I want to know.

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