Welcome to the

Spanish -English Internet Dictionary for Beginners.

Last updated JUNE 98

The Spanish-English Internet Dictionary for Beginners is still under construction and should be really ready for use in 1999. Until then major alterations will continue to be made. It may be reproduced in its original form anywhere as long as no profit is made. Feel free to download it regularly and keep it open in a browser next to the text you are reading to quickly and easily find definitions.

Currently three versions of the first draft are available:

HTML separated into several pages (for online use - max 90k per page).

TXT for folks with slow browsers (intended to be downloaded - 400k).

winZIP file of HTML version in one file (compressed for downloading - 150k).

Once it takes on it's final form, it will be updated monthly for errors and to add new terms.

Much work has gone into this dictionary and hopefully the reader will find it useful. The dictionary will mainly be intended for English speakers needing an online dictionary for Spanish, but will hardly be fit to use as a definitive source on the Spanish Language. The editor is NOT a native Spanish speaker and has NOT visited many of the parts of the Spanish-speaking world, so the dictionary is lacking many important words. Right now it contains 19,500 entries, less than 14,000 words, and many duplicates and unnecessary technical terms. There are almost no reflexive verbs yet, nor are local variations included. Perhaps the whole darned thing is replete with appallingly gross erroniosities, so please please puh-leez LET ME KNOWif you find ANY mistakes.

The editor will perhaps move back to the Español-phone world and begin work on a second edition which would use color to code the words grammatically and a third edition which would contain graphics (Yay!) and organize words by their meaning rather than alphabetical order. Both of these may be slower to use and download, but hopefully global communications and the computer monopolies will improve in the meantime. Should you like to volunteer to undertake this grueling and unrewarding but oh-so-necessary task, please contact the editor so that he too may complain about the quality of your work.

Unfortunately, the words have for the moment been alphabetized according to the English alphabet. Readers looking for los calzones will find that calzones cannot be found before hitting la calle.

If you are a native speaker of Spanish and would be interested in producing un Diccionario Cibernetico Español-Inglés para Principiantes, (mainly for Spanish speakers) please contact me at:

brian_krueger@hotmail.com or krueger@rorqual.cc.metu.edu.tr