Here's a Little About Me

Hi! I live in Ohio (The Buckeye State) and I am now a college sophmore. My major is Chemical Engineering, and so far, I love the college life. Ohio really is not a bad state. I know a lot of sitcoms make fun of Ohio, but that's life. The weather can make your sinuses go crazy, but I couldn't imagine it any other way. I also love listening to music, reading, spending time with friends, and living. Yep, I think everyone should enjoy living. You only get one shot in this life, so make the best of it! Remember, everyday you live is your life. So if you try your best to make everyday great, then you should be able to look on your life with a smile. (My best friend told me this and it really made me think. Thanks Jessica!!) Hmmmmm........ what else? My favorite bands are the Newsboys and Point of Grace and I love Michael W. Smith's music! I also love just about any musical I hear. If you couldn't guess, my favorite authors are Frank Peretti and Janette Oke. Their books have really changed my views on some things. Well I hope you enjoyed this little paragraph about me! Thanks for visiting and God bless you!! Now get out there and start reading!!

(One more note) I did this web page because there were no others, at least that I could find, about Frank Peretti. I like his writings a lot, so I decided he should have a web page. I also love Janette Oke, so I thought she deserved a piece on this site too. I'm not sure what author I'll add next, but I have a lot of work to do here before I worry about that!

(Haha, another note!) I want to say thanks to my brother Jason. He had the patience to sit down and teach me HTML. So many thanks Jason!!!

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