Janette Oke

Janette Oke

Janette Oke was born in Champion, Alberta during the depression years, to a Canadian praire farmer and his wife. Janette was the sixth of nine children. She attented Mountain View Bible College in Didsbury, Alberta, where she met her husband, Edward. They were married in May of 1957. Since their marriage, they have pastored churches in Indiana, and in Calgary and Edmonton Canada. Janette and Edward have three sons and one daughter. They also have several grandchildren (I think it was nine last time I heard).

In 1979, Janette published her first book, Love Comes Softly. It only took her three weeks to complete this task, and that was while she was working and raising four teenagers. This book was a hit, and it was the beginning of Oke's writing career. Since then she has written over thirty prarie romance novels and her books have sold over fourteen million copies.

Canadian West Series

Seasons of the Heart

Love Comes Softly Series

Prairie Legacy Series

Women of the West Series

Children Books

Short Novels

Novels with T. Davis Bunn


Separate Romance Novels

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