Early Me!

Six days old (June 30, 1952), with my paternal grandparents Emily and Leslie Campbell.

With my dad at ten days old -- and ready for a nap, I'd say! (At Lake Lenape, NJ.)

At eight weeks, I'm with my dad on the right, and my uncle Eugene Lucey and cousin Michael.

With my maternal grandparents Blanche and Frank Griesbeck at 14 weeks old. (At Branchville, NJ.)

Christening Day!
(15 weeks)

Cousin Michael Lucey and I are getting to know each other. I'm nine months old here, and we are at my grandparents' house in Lake Lenape.

A few years later (am guessing ca. 1960?), here we all are at the famous seafood restaurant Hackney's in Atlantic City. Unfortunately, I didn't develop my taste for lobster tails until a bit later. Probably I had a hamburger on this occasion!

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