Merry Meet and Blessed Be!

This page is always under construction. Please bear with me as I continue to get cool stuff together. I try to update it as frequently as I can. There is a lot of stuff to look at so be sure to scroll all the way down. Be sure to check out the additional pages. You will find many different things in them. Also please be sure not to forget to sign my guest book.

My interests are:
Wicca and related topics. I also like hockey. For those that are not Pagan and are visitng my site I am going to try and explain what it is to be a witch and to be follow the Pagan religion. Witches are still like everyone else and we have similar interests as everyone else. The difference is in our belief of a God AND Goddess. We respect them and all of their creations. Our rede is "And it harm what thou will." This is THE rule of Wicca. TO HARM NO ONE!! Witches are stereotyped through many different venues. This makes it difficult for people who practice wicca to be totally open to all people about their beliefs. People automatically hear "witch" and think about the ones that are sterotyped at Halloween, they also think that we are evil beings. Now I am not saying all people are like that but they do exist. This site along with my friends sites and other links I will find are to dispell the fiction about Wicca and to give the TRUTH. In addition to the info I list here I am also going to put a list of books which I think are good sources of information. They are going to be listed on a separate page.

Since I have gotten e-mails and entries in my guestbook inquiring about the name of this site I figured I would post this on my site for everyone to see. My reason as to why I picked the name Tezcatlipoca for the page is not really an exciting or exotic reason behind it. I had been searching through my wicca books through the lists of gods and goddesses and I was looking for a Pagan name for my page. I picked this one because it sounded exotic and very interesting sounding and from what I remember when I read the short description After I had chosen the name I had read up on who Tezcatlipoca was. Sorry to disappoint anyone who may have thought that I was of Aztec decent or that I am thoroughly versed in Tezcatlipoca's life. This page contains:
Pagan Info.
The pages that follow have links and additional info.

This candle is an dedicated to those who have passed on to their next life. It is an eternal flame which will shine brightly in their memory.

You are visitor since April 9,1998

Click Wolf For Page 3

Please come back soon and visit me. Merry part.